Jesse’s Monday Music Box #19

One of the eeriest games in the Zelda franchise is without a doubt Majora’s Mask. It seems everywhere you venture within Termina is just filled with mystery after mystery. This accompanied with places such as The Stone Tower Temple and enough creepy songs to satisfy the scariest of redeads makes it one of the darkest in the series. One mystery within the game that stands out to me is the secret of the four giants. Where are they originally from, how were they created, what sort of significance do they have when compared to the goddesses, etc…

The four giants are surrounded by mystery to me and the song we are given to summon them within the game seems to be a perfect match. The Oath to Order is among the eeriest of songs within the game and is often over looked when searching for classic Zelda songs. This is why it has finally found it’s spot on the Monday Music Box.

This original take on the Oath to Order is one of the only that I was able to find. Luckily, ArtificialFear on YouTube has done an outstanding job with his cover. If you’re a fan of what you hear in the video, be sure to check out his other Zelda covers and let us know your thoughts in the comments below.

Sorted Under: Majora's Mask