The Legend of Zelda is often associated with the fantasy genre and compared to franchises like the Lord of the Rings. But technology is everywhere in the series, from Spirit Trackstrains to Breath of the Wild’s Sheikah Slate. In the latest Hyrule Compendium video, the fearless duo of Gooey and Mases discuss whether the increasing emphasis on technology in recent Zelda games takes away from the series’ traditional fantasy setting.

The pair examines the existing state of technology in Zelda and debates what would go too far. At the core of the discussion is where the line between fantasy and science fiction lies. What can be reasonably written off as magic? How well do steampunk elements fit into the series? And why do Zelda games so often attribute tech to long-gone civilizations? Gooey and Mases cover it all in the wake of Breath of the Wild’s unprecedented embrace of rediscovered technology.

How do you feel about tech in the Zelda series? What do you think would cross the line into un-Zelda-like territory? Let us know in the comments!

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