Wind-Waker-2001During the development of Zelda titles, there are many concepts of various mechanics and locations that are scrapped from the final product. Some of the most interesting of them all to look into is the scrapped dungeons- The Beta Dungeons. And let’s be honest; there are quite a few Beta Dungeons out there. So let’s talk about them here! Hit the jump to check out more on the subject!


The Legend of Zelda is known very well for it’s adventuring/exploration aspect, with one of the most intriguing aspects being the dungeons. As many dungeons have been seen throughout the series, quite a few have also been scrapped. Some dungeons just don’t make the cut, so they’re forced out of development, and thus added to the pile of Beta Dungeons. This specific Twilight Princess dungeon was shown in 2004, as it would seem it’s either evolved into Arbiter’s Grounds, or scrapped from the game entirely as it was possibly made for testing. Either way, it ‘looks’ pretty neat! Wouldn’t mind checking it out myself. zeldatpbetadungeon









From what it seems, there isn’t too much footage of said Beta Dungeons, but there’s just enough to speculate what it might have been.

With that said, what’s your favorite Beta Dungeon? What are your thoughts on the Twilight Princess Beta Dungeon shonw above? And is there any you’d like to see completed, and added to the final product? Sound off in the comments!

Sorted Under: Twilight Princess