One of our network sites, GenGAME, has posted an article that makes the claim Skyward Sword is simultaneously the greatest and the worst of the Zelda franchise. The writer, Alex, believes that the core of Skyward Sword is solid, however the whole of the game doesn’t deliver the content fans expect in a Zelda title. Though you may not agree, the article does inspire thought about not just Skyward Sword, but also other Zelda games, and even video games in general. Hit the jump to read on!

The basic premise of the post is that Skyward Sword nailed some aspects of what makes a truly great game, but failed to deliver in other ways, particularly content. One of the things Skyward Sword did very well, for example, was the control system and how it implemented the Wii MotionPlus. Addressing this, Alex stated “Regardless of whether you liked or disliked Skyward Sword‘s motion controls, there’s no denying how polished and finished they were.”

I think this is akin to the DS titles, and the forced stylus control method. Developing games with new controls is something Nintendo always tries to do, and they tend to do it pretty well. However, I think a good control scheme is something that people should expect from any game developer, not just Nintendo and by now a certain quality in this area should be expected in a Zelda game. A good core always needs to be present to allow any sort of content to be clearly delivered, good or bad.

On the flipside, Alex thought that Skyward Sword was a bit lacking on the actual content side, such as in game characters, side-quests, and overall difficulty. I generally agree with this, however I think the bottom line is that I still had fun playing Skyward Sword, and I didn’t think that Skyward Sword under-delivered to the extent Alex implies. When compared to other Zelda titles, the way content is received can be up to the taste of the player. Though a general consensus can be achieved, some of the finer details differ from person to person.

But of course, you should form your own opinion, so check out the full article on GenGAME here.


Sorted Under: Skyward Sword, Zelda News