Have you ever heard of Zelda III for the NES? That’s because some would say it never made it past the beta stages, although a few do claim to have a copy for themselves. With so many different sides to the story, its hard to know which rumors to believe. One rumor states that the game had started it’s development cycle, but never finished due to the SNES starting it’s development. It makes sense to me. Why continue working on a game for one console when you have another more powerful system that will allow the user to get more functionality out of the game and better visuals is just around the corner?

How far along in the development process it had gotten or if Nintendo even started the game really is a gaming mystery to all of us. This being the reason Yuriofwind featured it on one of his Gaming Mysteries segments on Youtube. In the video he takes a look at almost everything known about the fabled game and ends with it something we can all agree with. Be sure to make the jump to watch the video for yourself and discover the mystery of Zelda III: The Triforce Saga.

Warning: Video contains harsh language.

Yuriofwind has a lot of great videos on Youtube from Gaming Mysteries to talking about random obscure games. I’ve been a fan for a while and find them all interesting, especially when they feature the Zelda series. What are your thoughts on Zelda III: The Triforce Saga? Do you think Zelda 3 ideas were eventually transformed into or used in ALTTP or do you think the game never even started development?

Source: YouTube

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