UntitledLeading up to E3, the latest episode of the GT Countdown over at GameTrailers lists their top 10 biggest train wrecks they remember from E3’s past, and hard as it is to admit, Zelda has not escaped the list. Skyward Sword‘s horrendous control demonstration took the number one spot.

Watch the video after the jump.


Honestly, I remember seeing the demonstration just on-stream back in 2010, and as the video stated, it hurt to watch. I also remember the initial reaction to the motion controls after the game came out, with everyone saying how bad they were. Despite that, I found them to be very responsive, and so did others. Perhaps if this demonstration, which showed off the controls for the first time ever, did not go haywire, people might not have expected the controls to be bad, and instantly disliked it. This was truly a terrible hiccup for Nintendo, but at the very least, Miyamoto and Trinen handled the issues on stage alright at the time.

Do you think that Skyward Sword deserved the criticism it got? Was the demonstration really that bad? Leave a comment!

Source: GameTrailers

Sorted Under: Skyward Sword