Now that ninty has adopted (late, as usual, long after it's already lost its luster and/or been proven a failure) the modern gaming concept of MOAHR BIGGAAHR!!! that even ignorant corporate AAA juggernauts like EA and Ubisuck finally realized (also too late to save them) was destroying their business sometime last year, we can expect the Big N to fall into the same trap they did by completely failing to learn from other people's mistakes.
There is only one way to go as far as nintendo is concerned now that the Zelda series has fallen into the MOAHHR BIGGAAHR OPIN WHAARLD!!! pitfall. It's gotta be moahr bigger every time until its size is unsustainable. Don't do anything new, just do everything moahr bigger. Same graphics, same gameplay, same bugs and glitches, same basic story, just more More MOAARHR!!
BotW2: Electric Boogaloo will look and play exactly like BotW only bigger and filled with more useless stuff. Instead of 900 koroks, they'll be 1800. In fact, you could be forgiven for making the mistake of thinking that you are playing BotW until you start to realize that everything is bigger and more numerous and pointless than you expected.