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Zelda games that could be expanded


The Emperor
Apr 29, 2010
Could Skyward Sword just have been better in every possible way?

Could Ocarina of Time have been even better had we seen Ganondorf actually take over Hyrule during Link's nap time.

@Spirit to fully answer your question is well beyond the scope of a normal reply, like seriously a whole editorial could be written on just a single game, but I would like to point out if they actually added scraped content into OoT3D (which I'm recording currently) that could meaningfully improve the experience. Something statements could be said about other games you mentioned, like Wind Waker. What dungeons in particular people would like to see added from beta?
Oct 2, 2016
New York
I mean if the timeline is to be believed, we did see the time during link's sealing away in Majora's Mask. I guess it would be pretty cool to see Link actually age over the years and watch Hyrule fall under Ganon's control, but theoretically wouldn't an awake Link just have the capability to stop it?


The beast that dwells within the Shoutbox
Oct 18, 2016
just your imagination
If anything could use an extension, its Majora's Mask. Not only does it lack in dungeons, but I feel there are a few cinematic touches that can be implemented. Most notably is Great Bay; why does everyone say how "murky" the water is when I can see every destination plainly from a distance? It would have been cool if they added a bit of haze to this part of the world in the remake. Things like this, the Moon falling scene, and other moments could use an upgrade.
Oct 2, 2016
Definitely Minish Cap. Such a great game, but far too short. I don't recall there being any side quests, although I may be misremembering.


Extraordinary Machine
Oct 13, 2016
In Wind Waker's case, I believe that the addition of not necessarily a larger world map, but more diverse islands, would have added a a tad more depth to the experience. With more to accomplish per island, those complaining about rough sailing experience could have potentially had the deeper island experiences cancel out the laborious journeys through the sea. As others have mentioned in your other thread from what I've seen, the planned Ghost Ship dungeon would have potentially done wonders for the game.

I definitely think Wind Waker could have been expanded upon. I wish that some of the islands could have been fleshed out a bit more - one or two more islands with a full village such as Outset Island and Windfall Island would have been nice. I really didn't like tracking down the triforce pieces at the end either - I think that part could have been used in a different way to expand on Wind Waker's story. I would have liked to see Ganon's evil on display a bit more. Maybe like an epic scene with Ganon leading an armada of moblins. Maybe that wouldn't have fit in with the story, but honestly I felt that collecting the pieces was just a lot of filler.
Oct 6, 2016
I probably would want some expansion upon Skyward Sword. I don't think I have to explain why. I would also like to see more stuff in the Twilight Princess lore.
Definitely Minish Cap. Such a great game, but far too short. I don't recall there being any side quests, although I may be misremembering.
I kind of agree, mostly lore-wise and also because I really like the art style and world of it. Also, I'm kind of a sucker for the sky dungeon in this game, mostly because of how they built up to it.


The Adventure Of Me
Mar 13, 2017
I really wish Zelda II had a second quest with the towns and palaces in different locations. A different overworld would be great as well.
Oct 14, 2013
Wind Waker could have been expanded more.

  • The game is so very linear. Expand the game so you can go where you want to from the start and can actually do things on islands when you want to.
  • The dungeons are so small, easy and boring. Fleshing them out to make them decent experiences would have been nice.
  • The game has so much rehash. Even Andross from Star Fox is in Wind Waker. A little less rehash and a little more originality would have been nice.
  • The game's colours are way too saturated and the bloom is way too high. The HD remake gets this worse than the original though. This is a simple fix and should have been done before both versions were released.

Basically turn WW from a steaming heap of garbage into a good game . . . garbage as a Zelda game, but it's still good compared to other GC games.


Angel of Darkness
Staff member
ZD Legend
Jan 31, 2010
Yahtzee, Supernatural
Angel of Darkness
To be honest? Every game could be expanded. The problem with many games is they answer some questions but also leave more room open for more questions to be answered. WW could have been expanded by going into the state of Hyrule a bit more besides the brief explanation KotRL gives you. TP could have been expanded more and so are more games. It's just what the player wants. More puzzles to dungeons or more dungeons itself.


Hypostasis of the Archons
May 13, 2017
The River Styx
I do agree with a lot of the folks here saying the TWW and MM could be expanded, but to me, the one that needed expansion the most was Twilight Princess. Now I guess you could say it already was expanded over previous titles, however, there were just too many areas that to me like... ehh why can I see so much terrain in the distance but can't go there damnit?? So many regions of the game felt like they had enormous potential but were underdeveloped/under utilized. Plus, I always felt lots of the items and gameplay mechanics could have seriously benefited from refinement and general fleshing out. It feels to me a lot like a game that was heading in the right direction but sorta ended up as an unfinished work in progress. So yeah, I'd go with TP for sure.


Apr 3, 2014
But I think the main game that almost appears to be a direct sequel of something with tons of references to almost nothing at all and empty plot holes that could be filled would be Skyward Sword. You know virtually nothing of the setting, or the ancient past, where Demise comes from, what was going on with Hylia, what is with all the random space age technology, What all the various ruins used to be for, and what was happening for all the other non humans like the Gorons or Parella. The game played like it was one of the middle books in a series and the reader was supposed to have a pretty good grasp of the setting and most of the things within it since the game did very little to introduce or explain much of anything you stumbled into. Adding to the world, the ancient past, or why they felt the need to construct a series of robot pirates could easily be expanded on.
Honestly, as much as I like BOTW's being in the way future part of the timeline, I think it would have just served it well if it had been meshed in as the immediate sequel to SS (just remove all of the verbal references to OOT and 'later' games.) The mummified Shiekahs, shrines and their 10,000 year old tech would have fit nicely, showing the remains of the pre-SS civilization rather then the rather dubious notion of the Shiekah suddenly developing ultra advanced technology right after the last known game, even though there had been so few Shiekah in number. It would also have shown Demise's curse working almost immediately, rather then 'waiting' until OoT (or Minish Cap, if Vaati is a form of it) and why many people and things still reference Hylia.

I know went on a tangent there, but I think it would have helped SS retroactively and maybe fleshed out it's world more (since it was so lacking) and made SS have the 'aha' points over TP, which is not the game that really needed it, in my opinion.
Jun 6, 2017
Skyward Sword. It REALLY bothered me that the various regions had to be traversed twice. It seemed like a cheap way to beef up the game.

Also, having to defeat Demise 3 times was ridiculous.

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