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Zelda Dungeon Music Competition - Week Fifteen Theme

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Heroine of Time

Rest in peace, Paris Caper...
Aug 6, 2011
Take a guess.
Hello everyone! Welcome once again to everyone's favorite Music Competition!

Alas, we have received no entries for the past two rounds, so we can move right on to the next theme. It's Week Fifteen, and you all know what that means!


That's right! Cover or compose any song you'd like! You have complete freedom, so please let your creativity shine. As long as it is of the musical variety, it will be gladly accepted. Entries will be due on Saturday, October 18th at 11:59 MDT. Send them to me via Private Message at any time before then for your chance to win a fabulous award!

I hope to hear some of your beautiful pieces this time. As always, good luck!

Hall of Fame (Previous Winners)
M107 - Week One, Week Three, Week Four (Tie), Week Six, Week Eight (Tie)
LittleGumball - Week Two, Week Eight (Tie)
Mellow Ezlo - Week Four (Tie)
Nintendo_Master - Week Five
penguinboy82 - Week Seven, Week Nine, Week Ten (Tie)
Pendio - Week Ten (Tie), Week Eleven, Week Twelve (Tie)
Johnny Sooshi - Week Twelve (Tie)

Mellow Ezlo

Spoony Bard
ZD Champion
Dec 2, 2012
I actually did record something for the previous round. Unfortunately, I couldn't submit it because I recorded it with my phone, and the quality was horrifying. I don't usually have a problem with quality issues, but my phone made a piano sound like a highly distorted guitar. I suppose I could've submitted it, but I decided against it.

Aaaanyway, umm... well, I'll try to do something again this week. I need to order a new charger for my digital camera though, which I keep forgetting to do... >.>

Mellow Ezlo

Spoony Bard
ZD Champion
Dec 2, 2012
Actually... I don't think I'm gonna get something done this week after all, almost forgot that I'm gonna be out of town for a week.

Damn, Freestyle too...
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