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Zelda Controls for N64.


Heh heh hee...
I definitely cheat. I have OoT and MM on my computer and I didn't feel like buying an adapter so I committed sacrilege and I use *dun dun duhhhhh* an Xbox 360 controller. That seems to work pretty well for me unless the camera in the game starts going crazy, but that's unavoidable no matter what controller you use.
Note: before that I had the Collectors Edition Zelda GC disc, so I hardly ever used the N64 controller.

Random Person

Just Some Random Person
Feb 6, 2010
On a good controller I have no problem playing the Zelda games for 64. Feels nice and nostalgic. However, my joystick has been messed up so now it's much harder to run with Link. Some things that should be simple can cause massive headaches on a messed up 64 controller.


Feb 6, 2010
Bournemouth, UK
The control stick on the N64 controller is horrible. It always used to make my thumb hurt and if you used it too much, it would wear out, meaning the "center" would take up a much larger area.

I agree with Bradley that the joystick really did wear on your thumb and cause alsorts of blisters, I mean it was an effective method of making sure people did play an unhealthy amount of N64.

However, in terms of Link being difficult to control, I really found little difficulty with using the joystick to control his movements. Besides, how else would you ahve expected to control at the end of the 20th Century.

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