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Your YouTube Favorites



I don't know why adamwestslapdog is not mentioned yet :O
he first did a resident evil 4 abridged, then a Ocarina of time abridged, and now he's working on a majora mask abridged.
he've improved alot from the first videos so I'll post one of his newer videos so you can see how he is abridging now :D

watch the whole video, cause' he's not that funny in the beginning :P
Jan 17, 2009
The Universe
I like adamwestlapdog's videos. Especially his abridged series on Oot and MM.
TimeDragonX also has a abridged series on WW. Pretty funny actually.
I also enjoy OPFFIX's videos, which are walkthroughs of ALL 3D Zelda games.
Well, except for the fact that he's redoing his WW walkthrough right now.
I also like to watch, er, listen to Silvagunner's videos. Which are music.
He has 6681 videos that are all music, which are from a lot of games like Zelda, Mario, Donkey Kong, Sonic, and some Square Enix things I don't know... and also a lot of games I don't know.
Yeah, that is basically it.
This is a lot of typing than I normally do. ^_^


May 24, 2009
Paranaque City, Metro Manila, Philippines
my favorite... well to be honest i have a LOT! but i'll give only one(onto two parts) for the sake of space. ;)

The FSMA (Four Swords MisAdventures) series by Hadouken Dude or hitthefloor729(youtube account)
I love his works it really makes you think of link's "hidden personalities" but in a comical way.

here is FSMA 6 part 1


and here is part 2


it really makes me laugh. it also acts as my "tension reliever"


own & finished all Zeldas
May 23, 2009
Tulare, CA
I don't know why adamwestslapdog is not mentioned yet :O
he first did a resident evil 4 abridged, then a Ocarina of time abridged, and now he's working on a majora mask abridged.
he've improved alot from the first videos so I'll post one of his newer videos so you can see how he is abridging now :D

i know what your talking about and i've seen the zelda OOT abridged series it is awesome but i didnt know he did one for RE4 i'm gonna have to check that out

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