The game I currently play, and that is HeartGold. I love everything about it, the pokeathlon, the breeding, the capturing, the battles, the music, the sprites, the story. Everything within the game, in fact, to finish quick here. <3
HGSS. Hands down. I love how they expanded so much in gen4, mastered in in HGSS and then took out everything they got to in Gen5. Gen5 has cool features, but none as good as my soulsilver does.
<3 Fire Red for the GameBoy, despite the fact I never got very far in it. Then my brother sold it, since it was technically his game. I was sad. I always seem to remember getting mad at it because if you picked one type of pokemon at the the start (don't remember which) you could do the rock gym easily but it was very hard to get through the forest at the start, and if you pick a different one the forest was easy and the rock gym was nearly impossible. The other type that is left was decently hard to get through both. I did it eventually, though
Pokemon yellow. Even though I grew up in the 3rd generation era, me and my friends still played pokemon yellow. I always remember playing it during family movie time, raising my pikachu to level 100, trying to beat the E4 but never succeeding, and catching a moltres with my master ball. that game will always stay in my heart. I also grew up with Diamond version, i will always remember grinding my pokemon just south of Solaceon city. I also love HeartGold, but I don't have any nostalgia from that title.
I'd definetly say Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald. & not just because Sapphire was my first pokemon game. The Hoenn League made me immediately love pokemon. It gave contestes, color, & double battles, which is still the only game to have a double battle gym leaders, which I loved even more. It's also my favorite anime season. I hope we can go back to the Hoenn League someday, because all these Johto & Kanto league remakes is seriously making me bored of it.
I voted for Emerald because it was my first game and it had my favorite Pokemon, but maybe I could have voted for Platinum too... I a third version Pokemon player.
Pokémon ranger : guardian signs, altough there is great storyline in the mystery dungeon games, all ranger games do too, and the fact in this one you can ride on the backs of Entei, Raikou, Suicune, Latios and Latias which just wins it over for me. but the best part is UKULELE PICHU!!!!!!!!
It was the third Pokemon game I played and I loved it to death. I remember sitting on the plane with my parents heading towards a sunny location and playing the game every second I spent on that plane. I just love the atmosphere, characters, overworld, and of course the pokemon.
As a child I played Pokémon Crystal all the time. It was the best game I had ever played (that was before I got into Zelda). Much later, when Pokémon Heart Gold and Soul Silver were released I bought Pokémon Soul Sliver. Ever since then it has been my favourite Pokémon game. And I really like how your Pokémon can walk behind you in the game!
Pokemon Red/Blue/Green, simply because it follows a lot of the same story in the Johto Region TV series. It gives one the feeling of really being in the story and yet making different decisions in it which makes it their own little story.