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Wtf nintendo logic

Apr 16, 2010
Rain can make holes in the ground leading to secret underground caverns or EVEN DRAIN WELLS(?)

If you're talking about the Bottom of the Well in OoT, then listen up:

The rain did not make a hole to the well, the hole was already there. The rain got rid of the water in the well, clearing the path for Link to get to the bottom. For some reason, the water in the well is the source of the rain in the house of the guy who teaches the Song of Storms. And that on its own is a mystery.
Aug 2, 2010
If you're talking about the Bottom of the Well in OoT, then listen up:

The rain did not make a hole to the well, the hole was already there. The rain got rid of the water in the well, clearing the path for Link to get to the bottom. For some reason, the water in the well is the source of the rain in the house of the guy who teaches the Song of Storms. And that on its own is a mystery.
Well that's what I meant. Somehow the water slowly drains into nothing(or evaporates in 3 seconds).

Ballad of Gales

The wind is mine!
Jul 24, 2011
(This point has already been made but i'll elaborate on it a wee bit more) When Darunia enters Volvagia's layer he doesn't use a key, and yet he keeps you out of there with a lock for the boss key.(though maybe he wanted you to get the hammer, but if he did, why just don't leave it at telling you, and when he enters volvagias layer he doesnt have the hammer and doesn't know he is a sage, so he locks himself up for his own DEATH!)

Another point is that you can hookshot onto peoples houses... wearing the iron boots, and walk on their rooftops.

There is a shark in the lake laboratory, when sharks live in saltwater(except for one shark, the bullshark i think, wich can live a short time in rivers, but that doesnt explain how the shark there is living WITHOUT MOVING!, sharks die if they stop moving)

In the fishing pond, the fish start jumping at certain hours(or at least going crazy) because i suppose they are being fed, but no one is feeding them.

Again at the fishing pond, 2 more things, the Hylian Loach appears and dissapears in the tiny fishing pond and the guy managing it doesnt even notice(How the heck can the fish exit and re-enter the fishing pond, he can't get through the mini-waterfall, there is no way back, and the Loach doesn't look capable of swimming back up waterfalls, besides shouldn't the pond owner notice a fish swiming up a mini waterfall? Especially since the fish can weigh from 30 to 35 or more pounds!)

And the last is, how can the fishing pond owner have a big fish (about 15 pounds or more) in such a tiny tank? The fih should have died about a day after you catch it.

Anyways, you may notice i posted a lot from the fishing pond and lake hylia, thats because i love FISH!!!!111!!1!eleven11!
Oct 21, 2010
not sure if this is has been mentioned yet but: random cows in holes. Think about that, how on earth did a COW get into a small hole in the ground? Without food or water? magic I guess, but its pretty farfetched I must say.

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