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Wtf nintendo logic


The Quiet Man
EDIT: Darn you "The Sink"! :P You sly dog you! You beat me to it! ;)

Maybe it'll help if I say "welcome back"? :D

People might have taken my comment the wrong way but the point I was trying to make is in line with what Wolf Sage is saying. Zelda is a fantasy story even if some things are slightly rooted in reality. Certain things that can't be explained with real world logic like the tunics for example are part of what makes the fantasy genre interesting.

If you look a fantasy game and compare to reality, you will always find inconsistencies all over the place. This goes for any fantasy game on any system.

Yeah, sorry if I came off as defensive. I understand what you mean.
Jul 6, 2011
A place
I don't quite understand exactly what you mean, but I don't think it happened that way.

At the end of the game, Zelda plays the Song of Time. (Sending Link back in time to before he pulled out the Master Sword, but after he entered the room containing the Master Sword.) He then leaves the temple and goes to Zelda's quarters (where she was spying on Ganondorf). For some reason, though, Zelda has yet to meet him. So how did that happen? They would have to meet for Link to get the Spiritual Stones and get through the Door of Time. Again I ask. How does Link go far enough back in time to a time that had to happen for him to travel through time? I don't know how to word it better. If it still doesn't make sense, I can't help you.
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The Quiet Man
At the end of the game, Link goes back to the Temple of Time and puts the Master Sword back in its pedestal. (Sending him back in time.) He then leaves the temple and goes to Zelda's quarters (where she was spying on Ganondorf). For some reason, though, Zelda has yet to meet him. So how did that happen? They would have to meet for Link to get the Spiritual Stones and get through the Door of Time. Again I ask. How does Link go far enough back in time to a time that had to happen for him to travel through time? I don't know how to word it better. If it still doesn't make sense, I can't help you.

Your wording makes it seem like you don't know how that part goes. I'll guide you through it:

1st: Zelda sends Link back in time so he can have the childhood that he lost. That's were the split happens.

2nd:After being sent back to the past, Link goes to the castle and tells child Zelda about Ganondorf's wishes to conquer Hyrule (or that is what the consensus says), which leads to his execution in Twilight Princess several years later.

3rd: After that, some years later (maybe one or two, I assume) is where Majora's Mask takes place.

If I need to get into more detail, please tell me.
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Jan 27, 2011
1. Link never keeps the same key in a dungeon so he has to keep looking for the same exact key somewhere in order to progress

2. shooting at the sun gives you fire arrows

3. playing a song that summons rain drains a well

4. jumping with a cuccoo causes you to slowly hover down when logicly Link's weight should bring them both down

5. silver and gold gauntlets shouldn't enable you to be able to pick up large rocks or even entire rock walls i don't care if this is a fantasy game this just does not happen
Mar 2, 2011
the triforce broke because ganondorf had an unbalanced heart but why will he bother trying to put the triforce back together it will just split up again.

1. Link never keeps the same key in a dungeon so he has to keep looking for the same exact key somewhere in order to progress

Everytime link uses a key is will break immediatly, that why he needs to find new keys which will fit any lock but they just keep breaking.

2. shooting at the sun gives you fire arrows.

only the rising sun gives you fire arrows that is because the sky is firered and that magically copys to the arrows.

3. playing a song that summons rain drains a well

the storm that comes with the song makes the mill run faster and the mill is the "sewer system" of the well.

4. jumping with a cuccoo causes you to slowly hover down when logicly Link's weight should bring them both down

link is an hylian (elf) and according to lotr elfs weigh almost nothing,And cuccoos are the only immortal enemys in legend of zelda

5. silver and gold gauntlets shouldn't enable you to be able to pick up large rocks or even entire rock walls i don't care if this is a fantasy game this just does not happen

The gauntlet part is possible but link should need extra armor for his legs and torso to actually lift it up, so you are right the magic in the gauntlets should only strengten his arms not the rest of his body as it has been stated.

Michael Heide

The 8th Wise Man
Oct 15, 2010
Cologne, Germany
1. Link never keeps the same key in a dungeon so he has to keep looking for the same exact key somewhere in order to progress
The locks disintegrate along with the key when he opens the doors. He couldn't keep the keys even if he wanted to.

2. shooting at the sun gives you fire arrows

3. playing a song that summons rain drains a well
The song whips up a storm with winds strong enough to make the windmill spin at enormous speeds. The mill then pumps the well empty.

4. jumping with a cuccoo causes you to slowly hover down when logicly Link's weight should bring them both down
It does bring them down. But yeah, the cuccoos have amazingly strong wings.

5. silver and gold gauntlets shouldn't enable you to be able to pick up large rocks or even entire rock walls i don't care if this is a fantasy game this just does not happen

They are magic gauntlets.


May 21, 2011
um... i'm kinda out of ideas for nintendo logic. other than what chuggaaconroy often says.

NINTENDO LOGIC! Brought to you by Nintendo.
Jan 25, 2010
Here is another one, Link can breathe under water for over two minutes (when he is not wearing the Tunic, but the Iron Boots).


Spaceballs: The Mafia Player
Jul 12, 2011
Spaceball 1
There are people who can breath under water that long. It's pretty impressive.

You can walk around dead by losing your sword, jumping off your horse but still be able to control it, begin drowning, get back on the horse while under water, hookshot something made of wood while on your horse, and when you finally drown, you get off, fly into the air, land, then you walk around dead. Nothing will attack you

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