you can enter anyones house destroy their things and they wont care at all
Well, if the pottery in my house
grew back and had
more stuff inside id, I don't think I'd be that bothered either. The fact that some random kid just let himself into my house to begin with, though, that might bother me.
oh heres a good one by Hurting and killing gerudos you gain their trust as well as link will surender to them even tho one shot of an arrow knocks them out
For that matter:
Gerudos, who wear no armor and little clothing, can withstand sword strikes without any visible injury, and whatever injury is sustained isn't serious enough to prevent them from jumping back up into the ceiling.
They can also take direct hits from arrows, which doesn't injure them at all, but it causes them to fall down and become...sparkly? Wait, what?
When they spot Link, he immediately holds still and stands there rather than fight them or even run away, so that they can run over to him from any distance and arrest him.
Without stealing any of his weapons or other equipment.
That whole part of the game was just weird.
If you sleep for seven years you'll wake up with tights and an earring.
Best we don't think too much about that. And even less about the alternative. (Though I'm not sure what was up with the earring.)
Why is Malon so kind to Link but Talon is afraid of her getting mad? Does she have a thing for guys who wear tunics?
Well Link doesn't have to live with her.
And my personal favorite: If the gorons eat rocks, why don't they eat the one that covers the Dodongo's Cavern and save Link the hassle?
Wow. How could I have missed that one? Maybe it was just too big to chew? Though if Darbus in TP could clear away rubble like he did ("these things are not problems for Gorons"), why couldn't any (or any several) of the OoT gorons? *sigh*
Darunia is the "Master of Unlocking". He doesn't need a Big Key to fight Volvagia... but you're not as bad*ss as him, so you do need it.
Locks and keys in Zelda games in general make so little sense it hurts. For that matter, doors in Nintendo games in general are odd. Good for killing metroids, though.
Maybe Darunia just took the service elevator?
Oh, here's one:
You can drink ghosts. Apparently so can everyone else, because they are commonly sold in shops. They serve no other practical purpose.