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Wtf nintendo logic


The Brony Named Mjax
Jun 10, 2011
Can Of Duh Al Burr Dah
if you have played any nintendo game you will have realized thing dont make sense at all but hey its a game what ever right
then again some times its a little odd

OOt especially has this brand of logic

1. walking backwards with z is faster than normal walking
2. walls made of anything are metal even dirt wait what
3. wearing specific clothing on your body makes you resistent to fire and lets you breathe underwater
4. Incidently aparently blue fire is cold and red ice is hot again what!?
5. People can sleep with their eyes open and mannage to snore

got any more i love to hear them NINTENDO FTW!
Feb 23, 2011
Some of these are a little...eh, but a simple excuse for some of these things is that Zelda takes place in a magical world. (emphasis on magical)

#1. No magic here, but it's kinda a simple way to evade; like, it helps...or something?

#2. The walls could be made of a special kind of metal or substance that can only be found in the magical universe of Zelda; they might not have the lame old cement that we're used to here in the real-world. :/

#3. Could be explained by magic. The tunics, Blue and Red, are magical and both function similar to a SCUBA diving suit and a heat-resistant suit respectively. SCUBA diving suits and heat-resistant material (firefighters wear it) both exist in the real, non-magical world. Also, probably due to graphical or data limitations on the N64, the tunics didn't look as similar to thier real world counterparts.

#4. Yet again, it's MAGIC.

#5. When in OoT did this happen? Haha, it's probably just graphical limitations or something, though I think I've read somewhere of instances of people being able to sleep with their eyes wide open (in real-life). :/
Feb 23, 2011
Iron Boots, like all of Link's other items and equipment, are all placed into a bag, pocket, pouch, or all-of-the-above. These compartments all seem to have hammerspace(see link below). The concept of hammerspace is used in various forms of media, and therefore can't be attributed to only Nintendo.



Mad haters lmao
May 26, 2010
Hylian Champion
Technically spanking the horse is just spanking the horse. The carrot is there for amusement:P

I do think that wearing a specific tunic color to get these effects is a little corny. But hey, if you want realism go play TP instead, they actually have a diving suit in that game! xD


May 21, 2011
In Super Mario Sunshine, the peoples on Isle Delfino have all this random goop on their island. And some guy who looks like Mario is to blame. Well, Peach Toadsworth and Mario just literally land on teh Island, don't stay there five minutes before they blame Mario for the stuff, and send him to clean up all the goop as community service. They havn't even been their five minutes!
Feb 23, 2011
Spank your horse with a carrot to go faster!

^I just died laughing from reading this :lol:!!!

Those little carrots only serve as symbols that represent the "gallop speed/boost meter (name?)"; you don't literally yank out a carrot and spank Epona's backside to get her to speed up, silly goose :). Horses absolutely LOVE carrots, so why not use carrots to represent Epona's gallop meter, eh?

It's like how hearts represent health on Link's HP meter. Link doesn't literally have 20 hearts inside his body (o_O ...at least I HOPE he doesn't).


Jan 19, 2011
Chuggaconroy always says "Nintendo Logic"... Yeah, this post did nothing to contribute to the conversation.

I have one, in Wind Waker, before Link drowns, you can clearly see his mouth out of the water! WTF!?!
Feb 23, 2011
Chuggaconroy always says "Nintendo Logic"... Yeah, this post did nothing to contribute to the conversation.

I have one, in Wind Waker, before Link drowns, you can clearly see his mouth out of the water! WTF!?!

It's magi... Ah nevermind, you're right (at least about this one). Links mouth is clearly out of the water where he should be able to breath. They give WW Link a meter when he's swimming as to avoid you swimming off without the boat. *sarcasm*> Din forbid you swim about the Great Sea without your boat; that would take all the fun out of the game.


The Young Drifter
Jun 16, 2010
The Tower of the Gods is right above Hyrule Castle and before it was raised...what, it was just sitting on top of it?

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