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Wtf?! Mm!


:cry: Heres what i don't understand, why does link (in Majora's Mask) keep all of his items when he goes back in time??? If he goes back in time shouldn't everything rewind or something? I mean...everything else does...and if he didn't go to like...let's say a temple at first and then later yada yada yada he finishes the temple and then "oh no it's like the third day or something like that" so he goes back in time to the first day. Then shouldn't that mean that he didn't beat the temple and got all the stuff he got there, sense he went back in time? GAHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!! Somebody explain this **** to me! :puppy:


Master of Chaos
May 12, 2010
The United States of Hysteria
Thought this was a Morshu thread. :facepalm:

To answer your question, I think that the items that don't go back in time are part of Link's existence.

Confused? Allow me to explain. Ever notice how you don't see other Links throughout the game, even if you were there at the same place at the same time?

I believe that Link can only exist in one time period at a time. In simpler words, he exists as a singular being in only one 3 day period. Thus, there aren't multiple Links.

If the items are attached to Link's existence, it can only be said that they are singular too, and you cannot find them in a time period other than Link's.
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Last Chance
Feb 7, 2009
Toronto Ontario
Link isn't rewinding time, he is being sent back to the first day

Actually he is rewinding time. If he was sent back to the first day, there would be two links.

The simple answer: It's a game.

Edit: Anemos, I have no idea what you just said.

the walrus cat

the walrus who was a cat
May 12, 2009
First of all it would make the game a lot harder and extremely annoying to have to collect your items again, and second the likely explanation is that since link was carrying those items with him, they traveled along with him, but I'm not quite sure if this makes much sense..


Last Chance
Feb 7, 2009
Toronto Ontario
Here, hold on I came up with a better explanation:

Link rewinds time, but instead of rewinding with time itself he falls through time, (removing himself from the time being rewinded) and hence keeps all his items.

Hooray! :D


Here, hold on I came up with a better explanation:

Link rewinds time, but instead of rewinding with time itself he falls through time, (removing himself from the time being rewinded) and hence keeps all his items.

Hooray! :D

But if he alone goes back in time with everything he has, does that mean you can go back to a Temple and go through everything again but not get anything in return!!! SEE!!! That's why i'm sooooo confused! >.>

Here, hold on I came up with a better explanation:

Link rewinds time, but instead of rewinding with time itself he falls through time, (removing himself from the time being rewinded) and hence keeps all his items.

Hooray! :D

Oh and also you lose your rupees unless you put it in the bank >.< so why does he lose that but not items.

First of all it would make the game a lot harder and extremely annoying to have to collect your items again, and second the likely explanation is that since link was carrying those items with him, they traveled along with him, but I'm not quite sure if this makes much sense..

WHAT ABOUT THE RUPEES?!?!?! They don't travel along with him.
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Last Chance
Feb 7, 2009
Toronto Ontario
But if he alone goes back in time with everything he has, does that mean you can go back to a Temple and go through everything again but not get anything in return!!! SEE!!! That's why i'm sooooo confused!

Gameplay. Either that or you DO get everything again, but basically the game is saying "Link sold this when he got it, here's 5 rupees."

Oh and also you lose your rupees unless you put it in the bank so why does he lose that but not items.

Er...they......fall....out of his pockets when he goes back through time! And the bank is weird.
Nov 26, 2008
Yes, Majora's Mask's "time travel" is nothing more than a rewind, rather than actually traveling backward in time (which would mean a bunch of Links would be running around).

As for the items, you see all the dungeons, sidequests, puzzles, etc. all reset right? Then you lose your item stock because you're rewinding time; you didn't have those items when the 3 Day Cycle started. The only reason major items (Bow without arrows, Hookshot, etc.) are kept is for gameplay. They can't make you go collect those again. ;)
Oct 26, 2008
Thought this was a Morshu thread. :facepalm:

To answer your question, I think that the items that don't go back in time are part of Link's existence.

Confused? Allow me to explain. Ever notice how you don't see other Links throughout the game, even if you were there at the same place at the same time?

I believe that Link can only exist in one time period at a time. In simpler words, he exists as a singular being in only one 3 day period. Thus, there aren't multiple Links.

If the items are attached to Link's existence, it can only be said that they are singular too, and you cannot find them in a time period other than Link's.

Sorry, I can't make sense of how that works, personally, I believe the are not multiple Links as because most people have said, when you use the Ocarina to return to the first day, you rewinding time. By rewinding time and not time travelling back to the first day, there can be no Link's to exist other than the Link we play as.

You'll notice that for some of the side quests, that if you returned back to the first day before going to attempt them, that you need to go beat some of the bosses again, which although can be a pain for some people and fun for others, explains your question about when Link goes back to the first day, shouldn't he have to beat them again? Well no, it would take too long to complete the game. Most likely the fans would be outraged about how hard the game is to, considering you'd have to beat several temples in 3 days, that even with the Bunny Hood and Reveresed Song of Time, would be impossible. Therefore to make the game more playable, Nintendo put the portals that send Link straight to the boss, explaining your question about having to beat them again, you do. The question about keeping the items you gain in each temple are explained by the fact that Link only rewinds time, he sends himself with all of his items back to the first day (and the fact it stops you having to play through the temples again), although I don't understand why you lose such items as money and arrows.


Gameplay. Either that or you DO get everything again, but basically the game is saying "Link sold this when he got it, here's 5 rupees."

Er...they......fall....out of his pockets when he goes back through time! And the bank is weird.

LOL wtf xD wooow they fall out...an certain amount falls out so he has the same amount as he had before :xd:


Sorry, I can't make sense of how that works, personally, I believe the are not multiple Links as because most people have said, when you use the Ocarina to return to the first day, you rewinding time. By rewinding time and not time travelling back to the first day, there can be no Link's to exist other than the Link we play as.

Well if he's rewinding time then why does he keep his stuff? :lol:
Jun 1, 2010
I think the Song of Time rewinds time while Link is kept in a perpetual state, and comes back in his current form.


I'm an assassin.... sshhh
Mar 13, 2010
The shadows
the wizard did it? I always thought that when you got a remain that the giant like, saved your game without rewinding... or something

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