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Zelda Art Writing Community Competition Week 4: Voting

Which story is the best?

  • green goron

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Zelda's_Child

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Mr. Verto

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • BamaLynx

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


~Dancer in the Dark~
Jan 30, 2010
Okay, so this is up maybe a bit early as I realise for some it is still 17th. But I will have no other chance to post this so...

Writing Community Competition
Week 4

I got a a good number of entries this week! Enjoy...

green goron
The water splashed as the heavy boot stepped on the puddle. "Hey, you got me wet Link," complained Kados. "Calm down Kados I thought you gorons weren't bothered by a little bit of water. After all, you brag about being so strong," "Haha, you're histarical," replied Kados in a sarcastic voice.

Kados thought back to why he was even here with Link. A while back gerudos attacked Kados' small goron village and Link came and killed the gerudos. They showered him in gold and rupees but Link didn't want a reward and went to set off to his next adventure. The more Kados thought about it the more it pained him because he begged Link to come with him.

Silence shadowered the cave and only an occasional remark by Link or a splash of water broke it. Kados asked Link,"I knew we shouldn't have came here. I can't believe we're here just because the old geezer on Windfall Island told us treasure was in this cave. Weeks of climbing and fighting threw enemies for this. To die alone."

A flash of armor was quickly seen by Kados and he shoved Link to the ground as a blade narrowly missed them. They got up and dusted themselves off. Link pulled out his sword and performed a series of flips and turns making his way to the rear of the darknut and slashed his armor off and with one blow killed him.

They made their way up to a pedestal with a chest in the center. Link slowly opened it and it was filled with rupees, gold, armor, and all the riches both of them dreamed of. A crumble came from above and a gaint rock rolled towards them. "Well Kados it's off to another adventure."


‘EEEEEYA HA!’ a voice from inside a doorway exclaimed. Link frowned and leaned on the desk. He knocked on the wooden desk and sighed.

‘Eh?’ A muffled grunt came from within the door. Link heard rustling and then footsteps.

‘Well, well, well, what do we have here?’ a man in expensive clothing asked. Suddenly memories flashed through Link’s brain. A man dressed exactly like the one in front of him, but on a boat with his ancestor. Niko had told him a story of a treasure hunting sailor that once worked with his ancestor.

There was a long pause.

‘What do you want, you rupee-less ragamuffin? This is no place for you. Shoo! Get out of here!’ the man said.
Another thing twanged in Link’s memory. The man in Link’s memories would always say how much more superior he was than his ancestor.

Link gave him a blank look. ‘Who are you?’

‘Who am I, you ask? Listen well, and remember the name, squirt! I am Linebeck III, president of Linebeck Trading! I hunt down the rarest antiques from throughout the world, and sell them to the highest bidder! What a classy intro, huh? Linebeck smiled.

Link avoided his gaze. ‘Well, sir, I need to cross the bridge to the Ocean realm...’

Linebeck laughed heartily. ‘Do you think that I, the great, proud, Linebeck III would labour on such a thing? I have much better things to do than help a worthless child.’ Link smiled.

‘How can you say that without knowing me?’ Reaching into his pocket, Link pulled out some of the most exquisite treasures in Hyrule. Linebeck’s eyes grew wide.

‘In that case, sure!’ Linebeck smiled, and pulled out his tools. He walked out the door whistling happily.

Zelda appeared and whispered, ‘If everyone in Hyrule was like that...’


Mr. Verto

Link was enjoying his day in the Great Bay; the moon was to crash but it didn’t matter, he could rewind anytime. He took a swim and raced the beavers and got some money and he even found some magic jars.

Finally he got tired and admired the bay and all the zoras swimming for their lives. As unexpected he saw a Like-Like...

“Oh, sure why not” he said

Link walked forward and stabbed the slimy figure, many rupees came out.

“Sweet!” exclaimed Link, putting his fortune in his bag.

His great day was over, a Like-Like came behind him and swallowed him. Link struggled and got out, his shield was missing. Link gasped, he had never been swallowed in surprise before. To his surprise another Like-Like came behind him and swallowed him. Link was now angry he put on the Blast Mask and blasted the monster in pieces, his sword was gone.

“Aww come on!” demanded Link

He was right to be angry, there were tons of Like-Likes around, and his equipment was all-you-can-eat buffet. Link fought and fought, he used equipment after equipment, and all was eaten. There was moment in which the Like-Likes tossed Link to one another, Link was been played with.

Eventually Link was empty, even his hat and fairy had been eaten; the Like-Likes left and Link was in the beach covered in slime. For his luck when he woke up he found something. Link lifted his weary arms and said..

“You got owned!”


The air was flowing around his body, and his legs were aching from strain. The hero gasped for breath as he turned his head slightly in mid-stride to glance behind him. Unfortunately, the floor behind him was still falling away, like an invisible enemy stretching out with its cold fingers and swiping at his ankles. He peered and squinted ahead, and his future looked bleak. The vague outline of a golden chest was beginning to come into focus, but it might as well have been one-hundred miles away.

As his feet pounded the temporary rocks beneath them and his mind spun – trying to think of a plan on a limited oxygen supply – his wrist suddenly struck an object hanging from the right hip of his belt. It was his hookshot! “Of course…”, he thought to himself astonishingly. With his last bit of energy he quickly secured the item and aimed at his treasure up ahead. As he watched it fly forward, the relief of the moment caused him to lose focus and slightly slow down his run. And that was all it took, because at that instant he suddenly felt weightless. The floor had finally caught up to him, and he started to plummet to the pit below. With his voice in mid-scream and his mind acknowledging the situation, he suddenly felt a strong jolt. His arm and torso sprung forward, his neck experienced a strong case of whiplash, and he felt his body flying. His item had found its target! He looked ahead and saw that beautiful golden chest quickly gaining size and resolution in his view. His liberation from death allowed his body to relax as he soared through the air effortlessly, and his mind salivated at the thought of what could be hiding in the glorious trunk.


So that was this week! I hope you enjoyed reading these stories.

Next week...

The Legend of Zelda
Write about Zelda characters when they were children!

Write about Zelda characters as children, 300 words max, 100 minimum. PM me your entries by 24/03/11.


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