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Writing Community Competition Week 28

Which Submission Did You Like Best?


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  • GaroXicon

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  • Thareous

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Nov 12, 2010
Greetings, Ganondork here. This week, we've received three entries. Aside from this, there's nothing really to announce.


The Face of Evil

The mask was the first aspect of the creature that caught the boy’s attention. The green pupils pierced through the child’s skin. A possessed child, a demon, a destroyer of peace faced the boy in green.

“Heh, heh,” chuckled the possessed child. “Want to play a game with me?! Follow me and retrieve you precious steed”.

The child grasped his sword and ran after the culprit. Images flashed before his eyes as he descended into a brave new world.

“Heh, heh,” chimed the young criminal again. “Your horse has been slaughtered. Soon this world will meet the same fate”. The imp nearly toppled over from his own twisted sense of humor.

Much had changed since the hero was first confronted with the being. The mask appeared to have sprouted a body of its own. The Devil incarnated stood before the hero. But he was no longer a boy. Much pain, suffering, and death had led to this final moment. The deity stood upon the very surface that would soon crush thousands of inhabitants bellow.

“Heh, heh,” chimed the dark soul. Little did it know that this would be its last laugh.

Thoughts of a girl with green hair from a better past, a certain masked salesman, and a beautiful redhead entered the upright deity’s mind. He clutched his sword and raised it to the sky.

“Bam!” Justice crumbled in the face of evil. “Bam!” One hour remaining until the land of Termina was no more. “Bam!” The sword escaped the grip of its master.

The demon approached the downed warrior. This time the cruelty was not laughing. It picked up the Fierce Deity with intentions to murder him downright. Little did the reincarnation behind the mask know that the Gods were against it. The forces of purity were poised to defeat the thunder clouds.

As though suddenly blinded, the force of darkness lurched back. Seconds after, an evil of times past had once again been destroyed. The carcass lay blade to heart as the warrior descended to a brighter world filled with the hopes, musings, and dreams of a people who would live to see another day.



Did none of them understand the joke?

Maybe he didn't tell it right.

No, that couldn't be it. When you don't tell a joke the right way, people just stare awkwardly, they don't turn and run the other way, screaming. No, these people understood the joke - they just didn't think it was funny. The reverse, in fact - they thought it was terrifying.

He didn't understand why, of course - it all was terribly amusing to him. People hopping across lilypads and riding boats across shallow water for fear of being poisoned? The dejected looks on the face of patrons at the Milk Bar when its supply of Chateau Romani is depleted? Fish and Zora swimming aimlessly in water so murky that they can't see through it? Freezing cold Gorons? It was hysterical!

WHY didn't they see it?

People with such a dismal sense of humor shouldn't be alive. The world is a dark and terrible place as it is; if you can't liven it up with some humor, you're not worth the space.

What would be the most amusing fate for them? Something obvious, and something slow, so they can ponder their dull, humorless lives before they are cut short.

Perhaps... moonfall...


Monster and Mask

A solemn procession stalked out of the tunnels of their great palace and into the hall ringing with the sound of their ironshod steps. Over their heads were hoods, and around their bodies cloaks. At the head was the leader of them, behind him those bearing a coffin nearly ten feet in length, and at the very back the servantmen followed. Their voices rose in chants to match the cadence of their footfalls.

The march continued until they reached an alter in the center of the room. Grotesque statues stared at them from the walls. Moonbeams pierced a skylight on the ceiling and fell onto the raised platform of the ceremony. And there the leader stopped, hands clamped over the artifact they had forged in secret, the fetish they would use to cleanse the prior bloodshed and restore balance and the hope of flourishing for generations to come. All this, despite their dark deeds...

With sorrowed eyes the leader held the object up and turned about so that his people might see it, a moonlit reflection on the crown of the Mask. "Death is to now be overturned," he said, voice trembling. "Death caused us this grief that we happened upon in our curiosity to absorb knowledge. Perplexed by the certain finding in that"--he pointed at the sarcophagus with scorn--"we, the Spectators in Shadow, could not help could not learn the very nature of it. Need I remind all of you what a terror it was?!" Seeing his subjects cringe, the leader lowered the Mask, holding it to his chest. "No... Enough woe has been inflicted by this demo--"

Sudden shaking and piercing shrieks coming from the casket stopped his words short. Recomposing himself, the speaker resumed his oration to draw away the fright. "Enough of this fiendish wretch. It must be of this world no longer, else the darkness of this land be the portal to other civilizations, where it would feed without cease. Always we have restrained ourselves from venturing into the Light, for those there think of us 'monsters.' But that coffined freak is the monster. Let us do away with it, so our brave servant might perform his part."

A figure laden with a bundle of masks strode forward. "Yes," the leader said, "as a mask salesman you will go out to dispose of this creature. Heed not its whispers lest they misdirect you. Firstly it must be sealed within this Mask. It is nigh time you departed."

And so the ritual commenced.


With this week's competition over, it's time for next week's topic:

The Hero's Defeat

Hyrule Historia spoke of a third timeline split; The Hero being defeated. What happened to him to be defeated? Was he killed? Did the Master Sword reject him? It's up to you.

The word limit will be 400 words. I don't foresee it requiring much writing; there's little elaboration to be done. Remember to Private Message me your entry. It's due 2/19/12, have a great day.

A Link In Time

To Overcome Harder Challenges
ZD Legend
I enjoyed reading my opponent's pieces greatly.

Garoxicon: I loved how you portrayed one of the central conflicts in Majora's Mask in such immense detail. In a sense, Majora's Mask is the Skull Kid's struggle for understanding in a society-like Link-he is completely foreign to. However, as your piece points out, the two could not be more polar. Skull Kid is hellbent on destruction, death, and devastation whereas Young Link rushed to save the people of Termina. Also, I love the dual ellipsis you employed at the end of your piece.

Thareous: I didn't think this submission could be written in such overly prose paragraphs but you certainly pulled it off! Congratulations! I also loved the way you wrote about hte mask and the sentence, "Sudden shaking and piercing shrieks coming from the casket stopped his words short". This greatly reminded me of the Fall of the House of Usher by Edgar Allan Poe and seeing as how I adore his works, the similarity was appreciated.

Also, Ganondork what David said about this contest expanding into something larger with winners posted on the front page could and should go from possibility to reality. Now, the only question is how to advertise this competition effectively and draw in new writers.
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