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Writing Community Competition Week 24

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Nov 12, 2010
Greetings, Ganondork here. For the second week in a row, only one person submitted this week. Once again, I can't stress enough how important community involvement is in this competition. This is the only active competition at the moment, and it's still recovering from a 3-month inactivity. It would be a shame if this competition died after 3 weeks.

In all honesty, it doesn't take too long to write an entry. The word limit keeps it short, which adds a bit of challenge, but also takes less time to write. It shouldn't take much longer than 45 minutes to write a proper entry, maybe even shorter. Not only is it very easy to do, it improves your writing. Working with restrictions is a great way to develop certain skills in writing.

Anyway, this week's only entry was done by Thareous.

The Narrative of Legendary Groose

"Legend tells of a mighty warrior who long ago lived like any other man, working toward an achievement of his own. He was of muscular build, terribly dashing features, and hair that pointed skyward. His friends on that little aerial rock known as Skyloft were many, as were his admirers. But among all of his devotees one failed to give him the attention he hungered for: simple love. No matter how hard he strove, she never set eye upon him, for this lass considered him staunch in only two things--pride and glory-seeking. Although this was true as his hair was tall, he continued to outperform the impossible, all in the order of garnering an affectionate gaze from her, just once. Then destiny set a different course for them.

"One fateful day a cyclone swept the girl away, far below the clouds. Anguish claimed the soul of our hero, mighty Groose, but it formed his resolve to retrieve her. As was his nature, he accomplished what no one else dared and broke through the cloud barrier, then dove below--only after averting a youth in green, his competitor, with eggs. But at the end of his descent he was met by screams. Furling the Sailcloth he'd won at Skyloft's Wing Ceremony, Groose dropped to the ground. Immediately someone ran into him from behind. Turning, he saw it was the girl of his dreams. Before reverie overcame him the ground shook. A scaly creature on two legs roared into the air, daggerlike teeth flashing. Feeling a sudden surge of Power, Groose looked around. Nearby was a bomblike flower; he rushed over, picked it up, and started hurling them into the monster's maw as they kept sprouting.

"It didn't take long before the beast could stomach no more. At once the bomb-plants exploded within, and the essence of the creature drifted away like shadowy fog... Mighty Groose flashed a grin toward the rescued damsel and at long last was rewarded with a loving expression from her."

The Gerudo nanny rolled up the papyrus she'd read from and looked down at the boy beside her feet. "Such is the Legend of Groose, our forbear. He founded this tribe, Child, he and his endeared, leading us through his uncanny faculty to surpass all obstacles a weaker soul could never bear. Such is the potential in you, which we have yet to unlock. But, with great Power comes greater responsibility...Ganondorf."


With this week out of the way, it's time for next week's topic:

Boss Battle

Have you ever wondered what would happen in an alternate boss fight? How would you take on Molgera? Would you use a similar strategy, or try something entirely different?

This story has a word limit of 350. Private Message me your entry, it's due on 1/23/12. Remember to comment about this week's entry, and don't forget to write an entry of your own. Have a great day.


There you are! You monsters!
Feb 8, 2011
Please guys and gals. I strongly encourage anyone who has the time to at least try their hand at an entry. Whether or not you're the victor, you'll still feel a sense of accomplishment and find it very worthwhile. Just one submission at least to keep the competition rolling. I also hope to give this week's topic a shot.
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