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Would/has anybody name/named their kids Link or Zelda?

Mellow Ezlo

Staff member
ZD Champion
Dec 2, 2012
I'd only consider naming my kids after video games if the names were suitable for a child born in this era, and it wasn't a really obvious connotation to a video game. For example, I wouldn't name a child Zelda because they'd probably be associated with The Legend of Zelda for their whole lives. Something like Marin, however, I might consider, since it's more obscure (as video game names go) and it's a really nice and unique name.

Chances are, though, video games are the last places I would look if I were naming my child. Maybe I'd take some inspiration from video games, but I wouldn't be in any hurry to actually name my kid(s) after a character... if that makes sense.


Secretly a cat
Oct 8, 2016
I would consider Zelda at least you can hide behind Zelda Fitzgerald and come across as more cultured but I would never consider Link, deffo not a usual name where I live.
Oct 3, 2016
My wife wouldn't let me. And truthfully I wouldn't want to anyway.

My cousin named their kid Lincoln because they could call him link.


I play my drum for you
Jan 30, 2011
Tangent Universe
No. Seems like a little much. As other people have said, pets? Sure! Lesser-known characters? Why not? But naming my kids Link and/or Zelda is a little over the top imo. But y'know, to each their own.
Oct 21, 2016
No, maybe Zelda, since that's an actual name, but the popularity of the games would make it sound stupid.

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