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Will You Use a Guide?

Will you use a Guide for Skyward Sword?

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Dec 6, 2010
Upstate New York
I don't plan to use a guide on my first play-through. However, I will freely admit that I stink at "block puzzles" and might need some help on them.
I will eventually use a guide though - I generally buy a Prima guide and use it to find all the hidden stuff.
Sep 16, 2009
Cali For Nuh
no no no no no... I will not use a guide... Unless I am absolutely stuck, and by that I mean running around in circles for over an hour and can't seem to make a breakthrough. Part of the fun in games like this is deciphering the puzzles yourself. you get a whole new sense of accomplishment when you do it on your own, rather then allowing the guide to tell you.


The Meat Shield
Mar 9, 2010
What is this place?!?!?
I'm not planning on using a guide until after I complete the game the first time though (not necessarly 100% completion though)
I feel that it's much more enjoyable to play though a game using only your mind to complete it on the first playthough because then everything that occurs is a suprise. After I complete the game though, I'll probably look at a walkthough in order to do things that I may of missed the first time though the game.

Master Kokiri 9

The Dungeon Master
Aug 19, 2009
My ship that sailed in the morning
I'm not planning on using a guide my first time playing through. I might get stuck once or twice and resort to using a guide for that particular puzzle or boss/miniboss, but other than that, I'm not planning on using a guide.

I probably will use a guide on my second playthrough of the game in order to get 100% (or at least, create a guide for myself based on the Heart Piece/whatever else there are guides) and then, probably never use the guide again and do it off of memory.
Nov 29, 2010
I would never se a guide or walk through for a Zelda game.
It took me a month to win the Water Temple in OOT but i won it without any help from a guide.

To me winning a Zelda game or any game with help from a guide etc makes me feel like i did not win it.
there are things ive never done it MM because i did not use ant guides.
I get no satisfaction from getting any help to win any part of a game.
There is nothing like working out a puzzle on your own you get such a buzz of satisfaction from it.
Well i do.


Indigo Child
Jan 21, 2011
Krosno, Poland
I own a few Prima guides, for Heroes of Might and Magic 5, Super Smash Bros. Brawl and Super Mario Galaxy 1 & 2. Possibly I will buy a new one for Skyward Sword, becuase good online guide or walkthrough won't be available during game's release. I'm using GameFAQs website for my primary source of walkthroughs.


Lushier than Mercy!
Apr 14, 2008
Newfoundland, Canada
I would probably end up doing what I do with like every game. I start off not using it but then I get stuck, so I have to look something up, but then ithe guide is there, so I'll just use it for the rest of the game. But with subsequent play-throughs, I rarely use them at all since I would then know what I have to do.
The less frusturated I am when playing a game, the more enjoyable it becomes for me.
May 17, 2010
Middle of Nowhere, PA
i won't be using the guide for skyward sword, i will get stuck and be stuck there for hours before taking a peek at the guide, it will take every fiber of my being to stop myself from looking at zelda dungeon's skyward sword walkthrough.
Jul 24, 2010
Charlotte, NC
i'll admit it i need the guides i wouldn't be able to finish without them. back in '09 when i got tp i sat looking at the tv screen stumped for 6 hours. the next day i bought the guide. but i only use it when i'm stuck. and i mean really stuck. i tell my family if you are going to buy me a game get the guide because i stink at video games. but i hate using them because i feel like it's cheating. and i hate cheating! also what's bad about the guides is some times you become addicted to reading them while playing. you have to check every two seconds to see if your doing it right. that's when it's time to put it away.

green goron

Best of the Gorons
May 15, 2010
Death Mountain
No I won't because if you beat a hard zelda game or even just any hard puzzle you feel great about yourself. If you use the guide, sure you beat the game but it's just not the same feeling.
Apr 5, 2008
Chula Vista, San Diego, CA
I'm into the adventure and Role Playing Genre, and I don't like to read. Adventure and RPG games tend to focus a lot more on story, so for me, video games replace books to find my stories.

With that, when I get stuck in a game, I'm stuck in the story, and sure it'd feel better to figure it out myself, but that's what replay throughs are for. I do use guides, but not very often. Rarely do I need them, but when I do, I only hesitate a little to use them. Obviously the feeling of completion is a good one, but when the story is at stake, I don't want to have to give up completely, so I'll resort to a guide. On replays of the game, though I never use the guide. Mostly for the reason of I don't really need them anymore, but also for the reason that this time I'm going for that sense of completion.

Besides, the sidequests are where I really feel that sense of completion, completing the game 100% for me is the greatest sense of completion. Sidequests rarely need a guide, so I'll never use a guide for those, even on my first play through. Sidequests for me are like finding all the little game's secrets, so it's fun to discover them. Using a guide ruins the discovery aspect of it.
May 5, 2010
I won't be using one on my first playthrough but I'll probably be using one if I ever get stuck somewhere.

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