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Ocarina of Time Will You Get the New Ocarina of Time?



I've heard that the new 3DS will cost $250 plus whatever OoT will cost. But the cost to manufacture the system is only $100. Do you think the 3DS is overpriced? If so, will you still buy it?
Nov 29, 2010
I will not buy it at two hundred and fifty quid.
If it goes below two hundred id get it.
OoT cannot be made better and tampering will make it worse.
The original for the N64 is the best version of the game.
Apr 15, 2011
I would...if i didn't just get a DSiXL last year. In Sept. I should of waited till the 3DS came out...its not fair. I'll probably never get to play it ever again unless i can actually get the collectors game disc i have fixed at microplay or EB games or something
I don't have the money for a 3DS anyways, but I still think the N64 version will forever be untouched. The best version. Besides from what I have seen of some screenshots it looks good but I hated the Castletown one, it seemed like they were changing the whole style of the game. It seemed to cartoony. Not that cartoony is bad it worked well in WW but it isn't OoT's style. Am I the only one who didn't like that screen?
It does look good though and maybe down the road but for now I excitedly wait for SS and if will power up my N64 and play some OoT once the semester ends and I head back home.
Mar 30, 2011
Lake Hylia
Am I the only one who didn't like that screen?

And on a side-note, just what is Ocarina's style? Blocky models? Pre-rendered, pixelated backgrounds? Cardboard cutout trees and fences? Blurry eyes and long, pointy, triangle-shaped noses? In my humble opinion, anyone who thinks Ocarina of Time has aged well GRAPHICALLY, is fooling themselves. >.> And for all we know, what we get in 3D is what developers wanted it to look like in 1998

And on a side-note, just what is Ocarina's style? Blocky models? Pre-rendered, pixelated backgrounds? Cardboard cutout trees and fences? Blurry eyes and long, pointy, triangle-shaped noses? In my humble opinion, anyone who thinks Ocarina of Time has aged well GRAPHICALLY, is fooling themselves. >.> And for all we know, what we get in 3D is what developers wanted it to look like in 1998

Do graphics ever age well?
5 years after a game comes out it is well outdated for the most part. And YES, I think OoT's graphics aged well compared to a lot of other N64 titles, it was the early days of 3D gaming so very few games did as well graphically as OoT and MM did.
OoT had a lot darker style, though I hate that term, and for the time a more realistic look. Not cartoony. And even old graphics can still have a unique style, it's ridiculous to say it doesn't, which it seems like your inferring. What they did with what they had at the time was impressive. I still like the old graphics, they look fine to me and they work for me, updated graphics is not a reason for me to get another game. Besides it seems like a style change not just an update which I like even less.
Also how will this be like what the developers wanted back then? I don't think anyone who worked on that game are doing this, it's 3rd party so Nintendo doesn't have much direct involvement so I really doubt they will capture exactly what the developers envisioned. More then likely it would be TP style graphics with are similar in style.
What you are doing is a classic case of mistaking the technology of the time with the style, two different things. It is very unfair to judge it based on graphics technology when that was the best there was then. Now of course the new OoT will have new gen graphics but that doesn't mean I have to like what they are doing with it. Just my opinion.


The 3DS is well worth it besides, if you owned a ds before hand you can trade it in and same anywhere from 50 -100 dollars. But I really do love what Nintendo is doing and yes I'm one of the many who only bought the 3DS for Ocarina of time 3DS *sigh*

But my mom is making me pay her back for the 3DS since she bought and I just got a job, which I have no problem with.
Dec 29, 2011
Bull %$*@

i wont be its way over priced its a handheld it and oot cost 290 bucks i would much rather buy a ps3 for 10 bucks more nintendo needs ti figure out zelda fans are not made of money!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Jan 31, 2010
a place of settlement, activity, or residence.
I would...if i didn't just get a DSiXL last year. In Sept. I should of waited till the 3DS came out...its not fair. I'll probably never get to play it ever again unless i can actually get the collectors game disc i have fixed at microplay or EB games or something

If you trade in your DSi XL at GameStop, you can get a $100 credit towards a new 3DS. But you need to hurry, because I'm not sure when that offer ends.

That said, I pre-ordered it as soon as I got my 3DS. Sadly, I'm a sucker for this game... I've somehow managed to buy (and beat) it on every platform they've ever released it on. I got it for the N64, the Gamecube, and the VC (on my half-brother's Wii). Soon, I'll have it for the 3DS. I will know this game in four formats, and this is the only game that I can say that about.
Mar 30, 2011
Lake Hylia
What you are doing is a classic case of mistaking the technology of the time with the style, two different things.
Well, I'm sure they're different, but I'm also sure that they're connected somehow. As you said, Ocarina had a darker and more realistic look to it, just as what was wanted of Twilight Princess. But 3DS Link doesn't wear a layer of chainmail, or clothing stitched up to the waist, or fitting leather boots and straps, because Ocarina of Time is cartoony.
I know there's lots of opinions being thrown around here, and I didn't mean to come off as rude, honest. I was just hoping to get a better idea of what exactly people are unhappy about when they start using words like "style", and you did help shed some light, but beauty is in the eye of the beholder, I guess. >.<


Hero of…. #s, I guess
Mar 22, 2011
I'll wait for the 3DS to come down to $200, at which time I'll get OoT 3D, and considering it would be my first DS, it would also serve as an opportunity get Phantom Hourglass and Spirit Tracks.


The Knight of the Wind
Jul 3, 2010
Why not? Look, I get that some of you guys think "N64 Version=Best." (By the way, Ocarina Hero, calm down) But I'm going to get it. Its a remake, so there can't be too much tampering. I have no choice, basically. I don't play the version on the Wii anymore, my friend's N64 doesn't work anymore, so I'm going to get it because its basically my only choice.

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