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Will SS Be the Last Zelda Game?

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The Hylian

well i dont see any reason why they would completely stop making zelda games, its one of nintendos most popular series so if they stop making them it would just be like throwing money away


Vocare Ad Pugnam
Jul 31, 2010
Gotham City
I highly doubt it. The Legend of Zelda is one of Nintendo's most popular series, right next to Super Mario. If Nintendo can't admit to there being no timeline, then Zelda games will start getting really stale if they try to keep going on with this whole charade. Because then they have to keep trying to make everything make sense and fit in somewhere until it gets too advanced. We already got Trains, Lets stop there. What's next? Jet packs?

But I strongly believe Skyward Sword won't be the last. And will be expecting a new Zelda on a console somewhere from 3-5 years after Skyward Sword and 2-3 years on the handheld after Ocarina of Time 3D.
Jun 17, 2010
Gerudo Fortress
I do not know :S I am just getting really paranoid!! like what if they stop making Zelda games, when Miyamoto, or Anouma pass on? Like all I know is they put a lot of thought into Skyward sword! would it be possible if this was to be the last new game in the series? will they now start making remakes of every game!!! SS is confirmed to be before OoT! Are they practically done the series! If so will the timeline be confirmed? Will I ever know how the story will be put together? Maybe the whole timeline ended after Ganon died! Triple times !!! :suspicious: I do not know please discuss!!!! :S


Vocare Ad Pugnam
Jul 31, 2010
Gotham City
I do not know :S I am just getting really paranoid!! like what if they stop making Zelda games, when Miyamoto, or Anouma pass on? Like all I know is they put a lot of thought into Skyward sword! would it be possible if this was to be the last new game in the series? will they now start making remakes of every game!!! SS is confirmed to be before OoT! Are they practically done the series! If so will the timeline be confirmed? Will I ever know how the story will be put together? Maybe the whole timeline ended after Ganon died! Triple times !!! :suspicious: I do not know please discuss!!!! :S

GET A HOLD OF YOURSELF!!! Now you're putting crazy thoughts in my head. Thanks a lot.:P

But I have thought of the saddest thing in Nintendo history before. Which is Miyamoto and Anouma passing away, hence no more Zelda. When the time comes they will always be remembered.:puppy:
Jun 17, 2010
Gerudo Fortress
I have been playing Zelda all my life!!! T_T I am a huge fan, and each time a new Zelda game comes out! I always get the feeling that they are finished with the Zelda series!!! Its like a scary movie replaying over, and over.. Also the creaters!!! they are awesome they are getting in there years now! I am like thinking what will happen after the Zelda series is finished? what entertainment will I have next? how could I live with knowing the series is over! just like that!!! :O
Jul 29, 2010
Cincinnati Ohio
yeah... shigiru miyamoto is already 57 and Eiji Aonuma is just 10 years younger. even if they both live outstanding long lives there is always the fear of "retirement" in the back of my mind

Gyorg Hater

I speak fluent gibberish
Aug 23, 2010
Since LoZ is a major gaming series for Nintendo, wouldn't you think they would making a BIG mistake. Now days everything about money. If Nintendo drops LoZ, they will make less money, have angry fans, and possibly go bankrupt! Btw they're just rumors, don't worry about them. :)


didn't build that
I don't know who started this rumor about the series ending, but it has absolutely no basis in fact.

Also, please consider that the rate of new Zelda releases has been quite frequent in recent years. Whereas in the past, there were long gaps between releases, we've seen Zelda games released within one or two years of each other. They're not remaking old games because they've giving up on new ones (quite the contrary; as shown above, they're making more), but because the old ones are classics and more people deserve to experience them. Besides, how many remakes have we actually seen? While OoT 3DS will be a remake (arguably), I can't even remember the last Zelda remake. BS Zelda? In point of fact, most recent "remakes" have just been ports. There's a huge difference.

The people at Nintendo like making money, and Zelda is a flagship franchise. It shows no signs of fading into obscurity. It would be a profoundly silly business decision for them to abandon it, so you can bet we'll be seeing new Zelda games for years to come.


Jan 31, 2010
a place of settlement, activity, or residence.
I think that Zelda could end if Nintendo goes bankrupt. But aside from that, I don't see it happening.

But I think that even if that happened, we would still have fans creating unofficial Zelda games. And there would likely be other series similar to Zelda cropping up.

It's true that there have been a lot of remakes and Ports. LoZ, AoL, and ALttP have all been poted to both the GBA and the VC. OoT was released as a bonus disc with WW, was released on VC, and will be released again on the DS.


I really doubt it, it's one of they're biggest cash cows - and rightfully so. If you mean the OOT remake on 3ds... they have remade several N64 games on the DS already, not to mention I own OOT on N64, GameCube, and Wii (Virtual Console), as well as the Master Quest for Gamecube.

It's a fan favorite and one of the best (personally i wish they did a master quest of majora's but i know some people aren't into that game) Zeldas. That game was voted 'best video game... ever' how many times? It's natural that they'd want to bring it to 3DS to maximize the sales of the machine. If it's not amazing enough, you know you're going to be able to say "i just saw dead hand in 3D"
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