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Will Link Have a Family?

May 26, 2010
What do you guys think? Link never had any parents or siblings in any of the games (he had an uncle in ALTTP though) so do you guys think he might in this one? We don't know his exact age, but we know that Nintendo confirmed he is the most mature Link will be in the whole series. So do you think it might be possible Link has a wife and maybe even kids? What do you guys think? If this happened, would you like it or not?


Site Staff
Nov 24, 2009
Redmond, Washington
No wife or kids, but parents are possible. He is supposed to be a normal boy. They don't usually like giving him such a defined life, but it would be difficult to explain his lack of parents this time. No wars to die in, no sea to explore, etc.


Apr 18, 2010
I don't like the idea of wife or kids. Some relatives for him like uncles, aunts, grandmother, grandfather, etc... is good enough. Having sisters or brothers is good too. But Link's parents have always been a mystery, so I think they should leave it as it is. I think, Not having parents made Link less relying on other people, and he could be able to stand on his own feet. That helps him became a hero. And, if he was having parents, would they let their child go on a dangerous adventure? I think not. So, IMO, relatives and sisters/brothers are needed, but no adding parents.


Site Staff
Nov 24, 2009
Redmond, Washington
I am with locke on this one. He should have parents.
Actually I failed to clearly state my opinion. I'd prefer not to have parents in SS, as long as they're not just inexplicably absent. There would have to be a decent excuse this time to leave them out, unlike in previous games in which your imagination can take you to an endless number of conclusions.
(Locke)Actually I failed to clearly state my opinion. I'd prefer not to have parents in SS, as long as they're not just inexplicably absent. There would have to be a decent excuse this time to leave them out, unlike in previous games in which your imagination can take you to an endless number of conclusions.(/Locke)
I am with you on that too.


Mrs. Austin
Dec 6, 2009
I can't really see Link having parents in SS for two reasons. One, he's older than in past games, so it really doesn't seem necessary to the plot to give him parental figures. Two, I doubt any sane parents would ever let their kid do something as crazy as say...suicide jump off a cliff to embark on some epic dangerous journey through some land they never knew existed, but that's just my thoughts. As for other guardians like grandparents or aunts/uncles, again, he's too old to really need guardian figures, at least in my opinion from a storyline point of view. Siblings? I can see it happen, if they serve a good purpose in the plot. Wife and kids? Link's older but not quite that old. He doesn't look much older than 20, which I think is a bit early for marriage. Plus, that may potentially alienate some of the younger players.
Youn link from OoT is 10. Adult link is 17 (which does not make him an adult). TWW link is 13 (forgot source). And miyamoto said they wanted a link younger than TP (which ws also 17) but not as young as in OoT. So I'm guesing around 15 or 14. So, either way, he is too young to have wife and kids unless he did not perform absenance.


Poe Catcher
Aug 25, 2008
Georgia, USA
If you're talking as in having relatives, I have this to say: it seems as though in past Zelda games, Link has gradually gained more family as more story space has opened up. In Legend of Zelda and Adventure of Link, he was a loner with no background. Then comes A Link to the Past, and he has an uncle that he lives with. Ocarina of Time, he had a mother that died when he was an infant. Wind Waker, he had a grandmother and sister. Twilight Princess, I'm not sure if they talked much about his parents. Spirit Tracks, nothing much is known, but we had Niko, and he was like family to Link in Wind Waker and Phantom Hourglass.

I suppose that, as more Zelda games go along, Link's background and life is explained more in detail. I'd see Link with family members, but perhaps not his biological parents. Maybe having something similar where Link is taken in after his parents die or something (and perhaps going into detail with his past experiences that he, for some reason, could not remember) would be interesting. We aren't so used to having Link be with family members. I mean, Aryll was gone about 90% of Wind Waker, seeing her only in the beginning, middle, end, and letters throughout the game. Link's Uncle in A Link to the Past is gone for 99% of the game, being seen only in the beginning and end. Link's mother in Ocarina of Time isn't seen at all, and no family is spoken about in Twilight Princess, Spirit Tracks, and the NES Zeldas.

Now, if you're talking about having a family (wife, kids) and not just having family members, that would be pretty much why the end of every Zelda game somewhat dissapoints me. I mean, Link met all of these people he could hang out with, but he just leaves it all to waste in exchange for something else, even though he's seen all of Hyrule and met everyone. It would be interesting for him to have a family, but to have one in the game, that wouldn't be great. In addition, while the life expectancy of the Middle Ages wasn't that high, by his looks, he appears far too young to be raising a family.


Zelda Dungeon's Critic
Jan 13, 2009
I don't want to say.
Wife and kids is a silly concept that takes away the sense of freedom from the Zelda series. I can understand having something like a few uncles or aunts since they really can't constrain you from freedom. There are also sisters and brothers which wouldn't really affect the story as anything except resistance characters or kidnap bait. Parents is a meh and for Link's age, it's somewhat creepy.


Master of Chaos
May 12, 2010
The United States of Hysteria
Well, Link is, contrary to many of your beliefs, based off of you. That's why he's called Link. He's your "link" to the game.

Now, looking at what Nintendo said at E3, where they focus on "the experience", they will focus on making Link be you, with the exception of going on major adventures involving having to fight 30-foot high monsters that want to kill you. Thus, they added the Uncle in ALttP because it would add to the experience of the game.

Same thing with WW. They wanted to aid the experience by adding a family as a "home base" in the large overworld, and it also helped develop Tetra's character with her snide remarks on how she thought Link would get homesick.

But parents are slightly different. You, under common living circumstances, should know your parents better than your uncle or grandmother. Thus, if they had to give parents a personality here, it could never fit.

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