I like mine because it is a picture of links epic skills, in the middle of doing a backflip in the demise battle. I might change it in a little while though.
It's general Ike. The most epic FE tank character EVER. He even said "umm... hey there" to a KING character. Ike is by far my favorite Lord character in Fire Emblem c: I don't know if I want to change it, it's too epic.
I like mine, because it's wolf-based, like every avatar that I've ever used. He's a werewolf and a battle butler anime archetype. Plus, he's my favorite character in Blazblue Continuum Shift and his combos are beast. ...just sayin'
I like mine because... well, first of all, I drew it by tracing a graphite doodle of mine with the mousepad, so I put a lot of dedication into that... And it's of me and my favorite person in the world--who happens to not even be in the world nor is a person. Well, you know how that is. xP
I like my Avatar because its the first anime and actually the only anime ive ever seen. i really love the ""Sailor Moon" series, the picture in my avatar is of 'Sailor mini moon" she is the younger sibling of the protagonist "Sailor Moon". great series. wish it still came on tv:[