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Spoiler Why is Link Called Link?


Jun 27, 2011
New Jersey
Why is Link named "Link"? It has fastinated me ever since I started playing Zelda...

Such a strange name that Link is... My theory is that he is called that because Link, in a sense, is a link through time, because each and every hero that once saved Hyrule carries the Spirit of the original Hero, the Hero of Time. (Or Skyward Sword since many people believes that game will be the beggining of the timeline because of the creation of the Master Sword, that sacred blade...) So each and every hero carries that Link.

What are your guys thoughts?


Graphic Designer
Feb 22, 2011
Link is named Link becuase he, as a mute, almost emotionless character, is supposed to be a "Link" between the player and the game.


Jul 13, 2011
Rivendell, Middle Earth
These are some interesting thoughts. I must intervene on yours though Bomby. I agree with you for the most part, but in the Wind Waker, the King of Red Lions says that the Link in the Wind Waker has no relations to the Link from Ocarina of Time, which depending on your timeline theories, would be the game before the Wind Waker. So I must say that isn't the right theory. But good idea!

I like yours Zeldahuman, it makes sense. Link, as a mute character gives the player more imagination to come up with their own feelings for Link, as well as words, for they feel as if they are Link, a link between the player and the character.

My brother told me once, that Link came from "Link your Name here", or something like that. I don't know if this is true, but it's an idea.

I for one, liked the ideas thrown out in the A Link to the Past manga.
Aug 25, 2011
Link is named Link becuase he, as a mute, almost emotionless character, is supposed to be a "Link" between the player and the game.

Yeah this... I think it was mentioned by Shigeru Miyamoto somewhere ... I honestly do not know for sure if its something he actually said or something I imagined I had read... It all blends together after a while.


There you are! You monsters!
Feb 8, 2011
I believe Link means "left" in either Russian or German, but I'm not sure if there's a link between that and this thread. Any ideas?


Graphic Designer
Feb 22, 2011
I believe Link means "left" in either Russian or German, but I'm not sure if there's a link between that and this thread. Any ideas?
Link means "Left" in German, that is correct. Link is left-handed because of this too.

Back on topic, Link is called Link because, as I said, he is the "Link" between the game and who's playing. :yes:
Aug 20, 2011
Link+s is left in Dutch. But that is off-topic. I agree with Zeldahuman. I read that on Wikipedia, so i think it's true...

I'm sorry for my bad English


Mad haters lmao
May 26, 2010
Hylian Champion
Link is a link to the game and the player. Just like Navi is short for Navigator. She is a navigator throughout the game world. Link is also the key to all the other major NPCs of each game he is in. I would even go so far as to say he is basically one part of the Triforce, given that he does all of these courageous feats.

In case you are wondering, Zelda is named so because Miyamoto and his crew heard of Zelda Fitzgerald Sayre and thought her name was a nice name. THAT'S the real reason why every princess is named Zelda.
Feb 5, 2011
Let's ignore that he's a video game character and look at the reason from a story perspective.
I'm going with the theory by BombchuPwns!


must read before he posts
Apr 8, 2010
I'm on your wish list
If we look at it from a story perspective we have to figure out why Ganon is named Ganon!

Maybe he's part giant cannon, because his name rhymes... :O

Also, why on Earth is this spoilered?
Sep 3, 2011
I think his name is Link because he is the "link" between the player and the game. Link doesnt speak because Mr.Miyamoto wants players to reflect their emotions as Link. What if he were to say something the player didnt want him to say? Then you wouldnt be in Hyrule, Link would.
Feb 5, 2011
If we look at it from a story perspective we have to figure out why Ganon is named Ganon!

Maybe he's part giant cannon, because his name rhymes... :O

Also, why on Earth is this spoilered?
Because its fantasy and Ganon sounds more evil than "Joe". :)

Caleb, Of Asui

What I've always heard is that he's named Link because there's supposed to be a link (oh, so punny!) between the character and the player. You're supposed to be the character, not just be controlling the character. This link is not only the reason for Link's name, but also the reason he's a silent protagonist. Rather than the game giving him personality and dialogue, that's left for the player to imagine and create. Also definitely worth noting is that in almost every Zelda game you can choose Link's name. So, to that end, the name 'Link' is more or less of a filler name to refer to the character definitively while in reality his name and personality are whatever name and personality the player decides to give him. In that regard, Link isn't his canon name per se, but more accurately there's a sort of flexibility to the canon due to the medium of a video game as a form of story-telling, unlike the manga and cartoon where their internal canon (not canon to the whole series, but that's irrelevant) cannot be influenced by the reader or audience, so they decide to give Link a set personality and a set name--though that name is Link, of course, because that's what everyone knows him as.

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