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Why Do So Many Find Navi to Be So Annoying?


I don't suffer from it ..
Jun 17, 2010
The only time I find her in the least bit of a nuisance anymore is during the Deku Tree dungeon when the gameplay pausing is forced. Other than that I'm well accustomed to the "Hey!" during battles and whatnot. Also, it seems like people base their annoyance with Navi from an experienced OoT player's point of view. They tend to forget how useful she really is on a person's first playthrough, one example being having to return to the forest to visit Saria prior to being able to get the Stone of Fire. Granted, Saria does give a clue when she gives you the Fairy Ocarina ... "When you play my ocarina I hope you'll return to the forest to visit" ... but that may not register when you learn Zelda's Lullaby. And if not for Navi, with Impa guiding you to Death Mountain after exiting the castle you'll likely go straight there only to find that Darunia is uncooperative with you and you have no way to make him happy.


Ash Gala Wonderful!
Mar 9, 2010
49.9°N 8.2°E
I'll be honest: Out of Navi, Tatl and Midna, I like Navi the least. Tatl and especially Midna at least have some character development throughout the game while Navi feels almost like a soulless robot. The somewhat brat-like or arrogant behaviour of Tatl and Midna at the beginning of the resp. games give them some personality, which I felt was totally absent in Navi. She stays exactly the same boring robot-like creature throughout the entire game. Sure, she can be very helpful if it comes to determining an enemy's weakness, I'd even say that she's the most helpful character in the whole game (as opposed to the owl or Saria, or even Zelda/Shiek, though the warping songs are very useful too). But still, I think there are too many unnecessary annoyances:

The only time I find her in the least bit of a nuisance anymore is during the Deku Tree dungeon when the gameplay pausing is forced.
That. Even on my very first playthrough of OoT I thought that "hints" like "You can open a door by pressing A while standing in front of it" were totally superfluous. We're talking about a Zelda game here in which puzzle-solving is an integral part of the gameplay and if a player can't figure out such simple things, then maybe (s)he should play another game. And constantly reminding me that I need to go to the next dungeon right now while doing a lengthy sidequest (fx Biggoron's Sword) also annoyed me a lot. Neither Tatl nor Midna interrupted me that often.
Jan 1, 2011
Navi isn't annoying, she is just a tutorial programed to be like that. Navi help's you because Ocarina of Time is like a beginner's game, so, why not have a beginner's advice helper like Navi. I personally think that Navi is very helpful, and handy sometimes. But if there was one thing I can change about her, it would be the constant "Hey", and "Listen". I can understand why lot's of player's dislike herfor that reason, but get over it, she is programed the way she is and that's that. Maybe she'll be a lot better in the remake? But don't get over excited.

Awkward Turtle

Sure every now and then I get annoyed with Navi BUT, I love Navi alot she's so epic!

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