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Why Do So Many Find Navi to Be So Annoying?



almost every person i encounter who's a fan of the 3-dimensional zelda games seems to really dislike navi and find her really irritating. why is that? to be honest i found tatl and midna to be far more annoying than her. to me, it felt like tatl did nothing but criticize and scold link with sarcastic remarks throughout MM, even though she was the one responsible for getting him in the whole mess to begin with. not to mention that instead of being a friendly guide to link, she just used him as a bodyguard to help her find and reunite with her brother. basically, it seemed as though link was helping her out instead of her helping link. same exact deal with midna.. just another informal, snide, sarcastic "companion" using link for her own selfish desires.

i mean, sure navi can be a little annoying with her "hey" and "listen" constant shoutings here and there, but at least she was kind and helpful. not a total ***** like the other two.


I am me....
Jan 25, 2010
Well Midna kind of turned about halfway through. Yeah she started off all snotty and rude but then came to realize that Link was doing this for his friends and then Hyrule and she saw that and calmed down and became more helpful. The only annoying thing I can think of for Midna is that weird speech that accompanied her ever time she spoke.

As for Tatl, I can't say much as I have yet to really get into MM. But as for Navi, she always spoke when unnecessary, and she was always yelling "Hey" and "Listen" every other minute. It got rather annoying. As helpful as she was I just wouldn't use her information. Instead I found out most things by mere chance or accident.


and Tonic
Nov 29, 2010
The Flying Mobile Opression fortress
I must be one of the very few people who never found Navi annoying at all. The shouting Hey and Listen was never a problem to me. I actually liked that she spoke with normal words instead of the weird mumbling of Midna. Although a way to turn her voice down would have been nice in certain situations.

She was probably one of the most useful sidekicks for gameplay so far. Midna and King of Red Lions were much better four story purposes and had much better characterization. As well as larger, more important roles in the overall story. However Navi was incredibly useful for basic information on any enemy Z-targeted and often gave info on how to defeat them. She was also useful for gaining information on an area or secret location. Midna normally only had information when it was important to the story in specific points in the game. While King of Red Lions could only be spoken to while out at sea. He was no help at all when in a dungeon or in a fight with a large enemy.

Mostly she was such a minor character that she really was little more than a gameplay gimmick for z-targeting and information. She did provide some characterization for what would be some very long and dull parts of the game when Link was the only non monster in a dungeon. And he is always the silent protagonist, so he would not be the one making any reactions to discovering giant monsters or discovering treasure. Apart from the usual holding the new item in the air. Navi provided that little bit of characterization between towns in areas without NPCs. Even though Midna did a better job of it, Navi was the first.

She also seemed to be the only true sidekick to Link so far. Tatl only followed Link because she was unable to get Tael back on her own. While King of Red Lions and Midna just used Link as a tool for their own personal missions of revenge. I got the impression that to either of them, any sword weilding Hylian capable of surviving their missions would have been good. Link just so happened to be the one they stumbled upon first.


Aug 24, 2010
Somewhere small
She can be irritating when she has something to tell you. Not because she has something to tell you, the information in itself isn't all too bad. But the frequency in which she decides she simply must tell you this little nugget, over and over until you've reached your destination, can get on your nerves if you've delved into a side quest, or Gods forbid, chosen to do some exploration. If you're just out in open space, it isn't as troublesome since she'll only shout "hey!" once and you can move on. But if you're in, say Kakariko Village, checking some houses or going in and out of any buildings/caves, it'll reset and she'll be shouting "hey!" at you every time you leave a place.

It also blocks off one of the view buttons, which is also not fun when you're exploring and looking around.

She can be useful, that I can't argue with. What she tells you is fine. The first time. Its the regularity of her shouting at me that gets me. Especially when its the same thing over and over.
Jan 1, 2011
Minda isn't that bad of a guide. She actually help's Link throughout the quest unlike Tatl and Navi. But eventually Minda gave in and started to be nicer to Link. Only reason why is because her and Link had a common enemy, Zant and Ganondorf.

Tatl isn't bad either, she is a ungreatful little piece of work in the begining but once she and Link figures out what Skull Kid is doing, she put's out her anger on Skull Kid and not Link anymore. She does become greatful for what Link is doing for her.

Navi is a great helper. Only reason why most people find her annoying is because, if you know the story and everything else in Ocarina of Time, she srops you and tells you what to do. She is a tutorial and tells you what you need to do because you restarted the game. It isn't her fault. And the "Hey", "Listen" stuff, just put the game on mute if you don't want to hear it. =/


I am a Person of Interest
Jul 12, 2010
Ganon's Tower
I really never found Navi as irritating as everyone says she was. Sure, Tatl might have been an improvement over Navi, but I didn't see such a big difference between the two.


Aug 24, 2010
Somewhere small
And the "Hey", "Listen" stuff, just put the game on mute if you don't want to hear it. =/

This wouldn't be a bad option if that didn't stop you listening to the rest of the game, which has half-decent music. Turning it off just so you don't hear Navi doesn't sound like a fair trade-off. If you could just turn off sound-effects, that'd be fine. But you can't.

I don't see why people think switching off an aspect of the immersive nature of a game is a viable solution to not hearing one simple sound effect.

I never did get that.


Storming Twilight
Dec 8, 2009
Twilight World
At my first play on Zelda, she weren't that annoying. But later on the game I became good at that, and she became annoying, as she said so many "Hey!" "Listen!" and it took my concentration away many times. She isn't really annoying, but she's kind of. I don't think Tatl or Midna are annoying! Midna isn't, principally. She's much helpful, she's much nice, she has her reasons, at least, for me, she has a personality, but Navi doesn't. That's it.
Jul 3, 2010
I agree with Twilight for the most part. She's cool on the first play through, but after that shut up I know that Death Mountain looks scary.
Jan 1, 2011
This wouldn't be a bad option if that didn't stop you listening to the rest of the game, which has half-decent music. Turning it off just so you don't hear Navi doesn't sound like a fair trade-off. If you could just turn off sound-effects, that'd be fine. But you can't.

I don't see why people think switching off an aspect of the immersive nature of a game is a viable solution to not hearing one simple sound effect.

I never did get that.

Yeah true. But like me, I can't hear almost everything that goes on. I mainly focus on the game than on what Navi say's. Personally, you guy's just need to understand that Navi is trying to help you. And the reason she say's "hey" and "listen" is because I bet we wouldn't pay attention to her if she didn't have those sound effect's. =/


Luigi Fan
Apr 20, 2010
Hyrule Castle
I know that navi can be annoying to some people, but she is really helpful. I know she is constantly saying "hey", "hello", "Listen". And the other sidekicks we have seen in the other games. But their information can give us some clues, hints, and guideness. So, I don't find navi annoying. But some people do.


ha ha ya she is so helpful!! i dont think she is annoying at all...


~Dancer in the Dark~
Jan 30, 2010
I never found Navi overly annoying. Just, I think Nintendo made her shout "Hey!" A lot. But it does help because you can't miss anything when she's around. People don't like her but in actual fact if you took her away it would make some aspects of the game harder. But the thing is Midna giggles in the same kind of way, and everyone seems to like her. Maybe it is the character difference. But I found the owl with the unpronouncable name far more weird and annoying.


There you are! You monsters!
Feb 8, 2011
Hey, Listen! Those who think Navi is annoying are annoying!

People need to bear in mind that Ocarina of Time was Nintendo's first production of a 3D Zelda title. They were making the transition from an overhead view to a first-person perspective, so they required a guide to help out the player as they needed to get accustomed to this change. But at that time they were concerned with how the players would undergo the 3D experience, not how we'd feel now. Over time we've seen Nintendo learn from this current oversight, proven through the new sidekicks (King of Red Lions, Midna, even Tatl), but they're not going to remove Navi from OoT 3DS, because that would ruin the old feel for many classic players. So, I really don't understand the need to scathe Navi for anything. Sure, I was "annoying" by thinking her annoying during my first playthrough, but it helps just to let her lead you to wherever you need go next, whether or not you know it already.


Melody Malone
Feb 14, 2011
Debate About Whether Navi is Annoying, or Not?

Is Navi annoying to you? She is to me; I mean she tells you obvious stuff. Here you can tell people what you think about Navi, say she's annoying or a helping hand. When enough people have joined we will debate whether she is annoying or not, it can be a fun way to get to know someone online. I'll start it off. I think Navi is annoying because she will tell you something you either already know, or something you don't care about. She can be useful some times, but what annoys me the most is that when you do need her, she's not there.:nod:

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