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Whose The New Evil Dude That is In SwS

Apr 15, 2011
:)So... I've see an evil creep in the new trailer...who is he? I've heard he could be the guileded sword (i think thats spelt wrong...) Or Vaati (not so much anymore) Or a dark interloper. Actually, there was a whole thing about it iin the main part of this website a while ago. is there someone your hoping would return to the game you think he might be? what do you think?:)


Jan 19, 2011
Stacy has to be a new character, SS girl is on the D-pad and Vatti looks nothing like the new dude... Can we call him, Willfrid or Benjamin? :D

Azure Sage

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Hmm well I think it will be related to Vaati. But hey I COULD be wrong.......

Why do so many people associate this guy with Vaati?

...Oh well. Anyways, I'm very certain he's a Dark Interloper. And I also hope his name isn't really Stacy. I won't be able to take him seriously if that's actually his real name. Seriously, think about it. Is Stacy really the name of an evil antagonist with the fearsome power of a final boss?

...Didn't think so.


Jan 10, 2011
On the midnight Spirit Train going anywhere
Why do so many people associate this guy with Vaati?

...Oh well.

I proved that he can't be Vaati in that article of mine I posted in my first comment.

Anyway, yeah, I hate how a lot of people say he's Vaati, too. At least the number of him being Vaati is dwindling now. It used to be huge. Thankfully, more and more are viewing the "dark interloper" idea, which is what I thought from the start. (And was one of the very few.)

Azure Sage

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I proved that he can't be Vaati in that article of mine I posted in my first comment.

Anyway, yeah, I hate how a lot of people say he's Vaati, too. At least the number of him being Vaati is dwindling now. It used to be huge. Thankfully, more and more are viewing the "dark interloper" idea, which is what I thought from the start. (And was one of the very few.)

I thought that from the start too. But, I guess it can't be helped. People view things in different(and in this case strange) ways. Let them think what they want. Come SS, we'll ALL know who it really is.


Mad haters lmao
May 26, 2010
Hylian Champion
The new evil dude is probably the main antagonist or another pawn under another Ganondorf's robe (may not be the Ganondork of OoT, but then again...). He isn't Vaati because the Skyward Sword isn't the Picori Blade (there's no way it is). He's original, yes, but I don't think he'll be as powerful as a final boss because he honestly doesn't look sinister at all. Sure enough he DOES have some intentions, but what they are we don't know and I'm not going to judge him just yet.
The new evil dude is probably the main antagonist or another pawn under another Ganondorf's robe (may not be the Ganondork of OoT, but then again...). He isn't Vaati because the Skyward Sword isn't the Picori Blade (there's no way it is). He's original, yes, but I don't think he'll be as powerful as a final boss because he honestly doesn't look sinister at all. Sure enough he DOES have some intentions, but what they are we don't know and I'm not going to judge him just yet.

I don't think Ganon will be in this at all, there is only one Ganon and this predates him. Besides, I like him as much as anyone as a great villain, but he is WAY overused. I agree don't think it will have any relation to Vaati, he was for the Four Sword series (I consider MC part of that series it's basically the prequel to them) I have a feeling he was just for that. We shall see but I have a feeling it will all be very new.

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