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Who is Your Favorite ZD Buddy/friend/amigo/amiga


The Good Samaritan
Mar 20, 2012
Canberra, Australia
I'd be so lost without Curmudgeon, seriously, he's probably my favorite. I know playing favorites isn't technically right, but we can't deny that we all have our favorites. Mine just happened to be him. There are so many more people I want to mention, like Fig, Night Owl and Azure Sage, but there's just too many. :sweat:


luke is my wife
Apr 9, 2010
This may come as a surprise to everyone but my homeboy PK FLASH is my favorite ZD buddy/friend/amigo. We became friends ONE WEEK AGO to this day and I have to say this is the fastest I've ever fallen in (friend) love. Luke honestly brightens my day every time I talk to him (which is always). He is my one and only soultwin.

Luke baby you are the shine to my sun, the hole to my donut, the apple of my eye. Let's get married.
Aug 18, 2009
You're neat and a great person and all, but "choosing favorites" [among friends] is often frowned upon and considered to be egregiously dickish to some. It tends to alienate others, especially those who might have considered you their favorite, only to discover later that you don't reciprocate those feelings (via this thread).

Something to think about...


You think I'm neat and great? If so, well kudos to you; that's very nice. I'm so-so, I have my ups and downs, too, and I know for sure I'm no one's fave. But you're sorta right. :nod: However, I guess it varies from peeps to peeps: some like me, Hero, Nicole, etc, will not hesitate to name who's our favorite buddy. And others like the rest who don't wish to play the favorite game have their belief, and I respect that.
Feb 23, 2011
To each his own, but I think it's a tad discourteous. Lots of others seem to be okay with it, though, so my opinion matters not. However, for the sanctity of my moral code, I shall stay out of this... :J
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Jan 26, 2013
I have many people whom I really enjoy their company, however there is one that shines above all the others, however I choose to not name her.


Aug 15, 2010
Somewhere with wireless internet...
You think I'm neat and great? If so, well kudos to you; that's very nice. I'm so-so, I have my ups and downs, too, and I know for sure I'm no one's fave. But you're sorta right. :nod: However, I guess it varies from peeps to peeps: some like me, Hero, Nicole, etc, will not hesitate to name who's our favorite buddy. And others like the rest who don't wish to play the favorite game have their belief, and I respect that.

Nobody's favorite? Are you sure about that? :P

Normally I would not play favorites, but I pretty much talk to you, Mandym287 and Mninja13 here and since they are both my friends in real life, I'm not sure I would count them as my favorite ZD friend, which is the title of this thread. So I'm not exactly playing favorites so much as saying they are my real life friends, not so much my ZD friendds.


Nine Tailed Hannya.
Feb 25, 2011
Well, I haven't been here in over two years, but back when I had ba ygoku open, my best buddies were i-am-link [we were really close], Azure_Sage and Greed ha~!


Angel of Darkness
Staff member
ZD Legend
Jan 31, 2010
Yahtzee, Supernatural
Angel of Darkness
Of course we all have people we like more than others or talk more to than others. If it comes to talk I talk the most to Termy & Lord Vain. And lately I also talk a lot to Beastie. Especially Lord Vain and me talk a huge lot on skype and stuff and he has become a close friend of mine. But still I can't really say I favor one member over the other ;)
It's just that I have more contact with one than the other


Hello Sweetie!
Jun 18, 2011
Of course we all have people we like more than others or talk more to than others. If it comes to talk I talk the most to Termy & Lord Vain. And lately I also talk a lot to Beastie. Especially Lord Vain and me talk a huge lot on skype and stuff and he has become a close friend of mine. But still I can't really say I favor one member over the other ;)
It's just that I have more contact with one than the other

*jawdrop* And you forgot ALL about MOI? *gasps in horror*

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