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Who is Your Favorite ZD Buddy/friend/amigo/amiga

Aug 18, 2009
Well, honestly I have a lot of buddies here, not as many as I would love to have, but I won't complain. Now I know many of you have a lot of friends/buddies, but there has to be a favorite one, and that's the point of this thread: for you to say who you value the most, or is your favorite. In my case, I wish I could list all the peeps who talk to me on a daily basis when I come here, but I must choose one. And so...

My favorite ZD buddy (I'm not saying friend -.-) is without a shadow of a doubt: Magatha. She's been genuinely faithful to me ever since we met here.


Sep 19, 2011
V2 White Male
I thought buddy and friend had the same definition, has in my eyes anyway. ;p
Anway, thanks for suggesting me atsuma I try, anyway My favorite ZD buddy is Big Octo we met while I was on holiday in ZDs forum games, quite an exotic place may I add, and I do recommend you take a trip there, the girls are mighty fine wow wow wee wa ;), anyway it was LOVE at first site, when he came crashing into me on his dads private yot, we engaged in a rather raunchy and romantic evening in the hospital, we have had so much fun together since and even had a child together, (a playstation move controller) Needless to say there is still much fun to have.


Mad haters lmao
May 26, 2010
Hylian Champion
Hmm...my favorite ZD buddy is most likely justac00lguy or Beauts; I know we don't talk much and they prolly hate me but I love them all the same. <3


Swag Master General
Aug 1, 2012
The End
Apache Helicopter
I have a lot of friends on ZD. Some of them I talk to a lot, like Annie, LittleGumball, and Mido. There are more that I talk to occasionally though, like HEY! LISTEN, Ventus, Azure Sage, abichandesu, TSter The Great, Night Owl, Atticus, justac00lguy, Luna, Pendio, and others I probably forgot to mention. (Some of them I mentioned might not be my friends... I don't know)

If I had to choose a favorite they would be Annie and LittleGumball. I can't really choose between the two. I talk to Annie more, but I've known LittleGumball longer. I honestly don't want to choose between the two. They are both great friends.
Feb 23, 2011
I am not a friendly person, and the concept of friendship in and of itself makes me nauseous; even more so does the idea of alienating others and making them feel left out by "playing favorites." Not a fan of dickish moves...

...anyway, good thing I don't have to choose favorites, as the closest thing I have to a legitimate friend here on DGN is one man (squid, octo, octopus?), and that man (squid, octo, stuff blah blah blah, you get the idea) is none other than the infallably illustrious King of Random, Big Octo.

go on and give yourself a pat on the back hun


Mad haters lmao
May 26, 2010
Hylian Champion
My favourite ZD buddy is whichever member has the most gold at any time! :)

Undeniable PROOF that the woman wants nothing but the money! :O

Anywho I've taken a recent...liking...to Sir Dan, OBE. I love him just like I love JC. Also, Pancake has been a great pal through and through; he even posted funny pictures on my profile page and that my friends is the mark of a good friend. <3


Angel of Darkness
Staff member
ZD Legend
Jan 31, 2010
Yahtzee, Supernatural
Angel of Darkness
I don't have favorites. I do talk to some members more than others. There are so many members I like and admire for who they are. It would be very unfair to name a few out of this whole group. I'm not going to play the favorites game ^^
Aug 18, 2009
I don't have favorites. I do talk to some members more than others. There are so many members I like and admire for who they are. It would be very unfair to name a few out of this whole group. I'm not going to play the favorites game ^^

Come on, it'll be fun. XD It's the purpose of this thread. There always has to be a favorite someone. ;)
Feb 23, 2011
Come on, it'll be fun. XD It's the purpose of this thread. There always has to be a favorite someone. ;)

You're neat and a great person and all, but "choosing favorites" [among friends] is often frowned upon and considered to be egregiously dickish to some. It tends to alienate others, especially those who might have considered you their favorite, only to discover later that you don't reciprocate those feelings (via this thread).

Something to think about...


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