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Which Zelda games show the best roles for Princess Zelda?


Angel of Darkness
Staff member
ZD Legend
Jan 31, 2010
Yahtzee, Supernatural
Angel of Darkness
Well I liked her in AoC. She showed leadership, was everything but a damsell in distress and she was determined.
What she did in TotK though was very touching. It shows how far she will go to help out

Ashley the Witch

Monster: A word used to discriminate the unknown.
ZD Champion
Oct 9, 2023
I would have to go with Twilight Princess Zelda, her struggles really fits the Motif for the game. Trying to save a struggling Kingdom, under the suppression of a tyrant. During the cut scenes you have with her, the situation of the games events really does seem hopeless, but she still does what she can to get out of the situation. Sacrificing everything she has left for the safety of her kingdom, and just hoping Link and Midna will pull through. It really feels like the of the game isn't about Ganondorf, but more of a civil war between Hylians and Twili. And honestly, Ganon just feels shoehorned in because it's a Zelda game. If the game was just about Zant and ended there, I would have still loved the game regardless.


Spirit Tracks Zelda best companion, LinkxNavi FTW
Oct 7, 2020
being me, have to of course say Spirit Tracks, my favourite iteration of Princess Zelda, and while there is still the bit of a gotcha thing with making her body be a damsel in distress still, i find the concept at least novel enough to look past it, and she is just really fun, and it really does feel like Spirit Tracks is both her and Link's story, not just Link
Jul 20, 2016
Spirit Tracks and Windwaker. And if we want to get controversial in here, the cd-i game she played in.

I was always most attracted to her in Twilight Princess, mostly because she was so regal and Queen-like I guess? She just seemed like a proper and dignified leader, enough to make me want to act older when I was a little kid lol. Skyward Sword was also nice because she wasn't tied down by royalty at that point or anything, so it was nice to see her unfiltered in that regard.

I think ww and st Zelda have the most agency and kind of anime spunk that make her feel more like an equal to link.

However, TP Zelda (and even Zelda 1 Zelda from the manual) were like sovereigns that made all powerful decisions and actions in their capacity as ruler. They had no adventuring roles but a strong presence.

Both are valid expressions but I think Nintendo Zelda as a character is done better as a Queen than adventurer.

Bowsette Plus-Ultra

ZD Legend
Mar 23, 2013
I think ww and st Zelda have the most agency and kind of anime spunk that make her feel more like an equal to link.

However, TP Zelda (and even Zelda 1 Zelda from the manual) were like sovereigns that made all powerful decisions and actions in their capacity as ruler. They had no adventuring roles but a strong presence.

Both are valid expressions but I think Nintendo Zelda as a character is done better as a Queen than adventurer.
I would offer the counterpoint that Zelda doesn't do much of anything in Twilight Princess. Her role as a monarch is consigned to a singular flashback after which she spends the rest of the game as a victim.
Last edited:
May 21, 2023
Tetra has been a favorite, even with her role being reduced at the latter half of the game. Would have preferred if she had still been an active participant, but it feels to me an ok enough justification for her not to be when it’s come as a shock to her and the king didn’t expect Ganondorf to look for her there. Might have lost focus on the two remaining dungeons with too many other characters involved I guess, and I think the final battle made up for it.

As generic as I found OoT’s story, I think Sheik was a neat aspect of it. Still kinda wished we got some spin-off with her being taught all those skills and doing what she can for Hyrule, but I guess a happy ending wouldn’t necessarily be possible to fit before Link wakes up. Maybe there could be some alternate version of events, or another incarnation of Sheik from another point in time that had their own adventures.

BotW Zelda I really enjoyed, felt like they finally found a fully realized characterization for her that fit well with the overarching themes of the game, even if they sort of took much more needed time from the underdeveloped champions and their future counterparts. TotK…I don’t feel it was done as well, maybe due to their being a better balance, but what I did like about it was that it seemed to show that Zelda really did attempt to restore Hyrule as she said she would, in what ways she could. Things like that you can just find, whether it’s from NPCs or diaries or whatever, I find to be an excellent example of storytelling in an open ended world.

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