I had the original N64 cartridge, but I lended it to a friend and he lost it. To this day I have it on the CE for gamecube. Wow, has it been remade that much?
I own the original N64 one, but it doesn't work anymore.
That's why I bought the VC one. But I indeed miss the munk chant and the russian-like gerudo symbol...
I think the best is the original, because that's how the game was meant to be, with all those little details that you don't seem to care about, but you want them back when they're not there anymore.
I used to own the collecters edition but lost it now I have the virtual console one. I've played the N64 version and I use to own a N64 but my mom gave it away without my permission:cry:. Witch was harsh to me because I had found the master quest for a good price but if i got it it would just sit there-.-.
I in fact own all versions, except the original Zelda. The reason for that is, I have the "Gold" edition of OOT for the N64. So I guess in reality I do own them all!
there was also a collecters edition for the n64 it was a gold cartridge with nothing extra on the game im thinking of voting but the definition of collecters edition is unclear as there is one for the gamecube