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Which Temple from Ocarina of Time Would You Want to Live In?

February Eve

ZD District Attorney
Mar 21, 2010
If I'm allowed to redecorate, the Temple of Time. It's one of the few without a monster infestation and it's got a good location. Also, the marble floors are really pretty. A few throw rugs and actual furniture and it'd be as good as living in a castle.

I'm also partial to the forest temple for the greenery and the water temple for the ambiance. Not big on the haunted aspect of the first one, though, and I'd always look like a drowned rat after leaving the second, which is not good for dating prospects. All in all, Temple of Time is best for me...at least in the child timeline.

Phantom Ganon

Well the heat in the Fire Temple is enough to convince me. My vote goes to the Fire Temple. Has anyone remembered how HUGE that dungeon was. That place would be like a sanctuary for me where I don't have to worry about being "cold" and I would occasionally throw a party after redecoration with the Gorons. Although it would be nice to live in the Temple of Light but it seems to be to small.

My Vote-
Fire Temple.
Jan 28, 2010
I would live in Jabu jabu's Belly, I mean living in a giant fish?! That'd be awesome! And I'd never be cold in the winter!!!

(I'm from Canada lol)

The Light Arrow

Here are my thoughts on the living conditions of the various temples:

The Spirit Temple seems an obvious choice, with a scenic view of the Gerudo Desert and air conditioning from ice witches.

Living in the Water Temple, however, would be extremely difficult. Remember, water-damaged furniture is no fun.

Life in the Fire Temple, depending on your tastes, could very well be pleasant. It features a warm climate year-round, and the neighbors are very friendly despite living in the lava-filled crater of an active volcano.

The Temple of Time is technically a temple. The lack of deadly creatures is definitely a plus, though its town-center location would result in sky-high property taxes.

In the Forest Temple, you could just videotape your own home and easily get a ghost-hunting show on the Sci-Fi Channel.

The Shadow Temple, at first glance, appears to be a fun place to live. However, the lack of decent lighting and other visibility problems are particularly dangerous when arriving home late at night from a party. Especially with all the active guillotines and razor blades lying about. And don't get me started on the infestations! Let me tell you, Redeads and Wallmasters don't enjoy sharing their space with the living, and you do not want to step on one of these in the middle of the night:

Nye Pendragon

Feb 16, 2010
The Forest Temple! :>

Why? Because it's brilliant in design. It reminds me of an old English Catholic church that were made in the Middle Ages and so on. It's dark, but beautiful at the same time with a destinct gothic feel. It's eerie because of the ghosts and the music. I adore the music in the Forest Temple; it's so spooky. It has stained glass in places, and I love stained glass. There's ivy growing all over it and a small 'oasis' of sorts in the beginning. It's just a really neat dungeon, I love itttttt.

Plus, it's near the Kokiri Forest, so I could visit the little forest kids any time I wanted! And Saria is the Sage of Forest there and because I love her, I think living there would be very fun indeed.

I'd love to live there. 83
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Forest Temple. I've always lived in the forest and would like to have a lair in there to freak people out with its moving paintings and walking giant spiders.


Jun 6, 2010
Washington, USA
I like swimming and such, so I shall have to say the Water Temple, just as long as it doesn't get too stuffy in there, that would not be a great experience. I'd also like it better if it were in the 65 - 70 degree range, so, not too cold, not too warm, and if I had other people that live there to visit with.


~The Wolf~
May 1, 2010
A part of me wants to say Ganon's Castle because it shows vast power and it looks super cool. But assuming i'm link, I would pick the Forest temple. Seems close to heart.
May 25, 2010
Zora's Domain
Spirit Temple

It has really good music, it has a really wierd "feel" to it, that i think other people have felt, the suns were a good "symbol" (i guess>.<) and the mirror shield was awesome, as well as the boss. I just plainly think it would be a cool place to live. ( you can also check my sig, look at the last two things ive claimed:))


i agree with absolutely everything Zeruda says, you can break moves with the Flare Dancer, break Volvagias head with the hammer and visit the Gorons!

Legendary Dude

Forest Temple. It's just to quiet there, no one to disturb you...


Prince of the Zoras
Apr 26, 2010
Florida; U.S.A
Water temple. I love swimming and water, so it would be a great place for me to live. Pus, I would be close to Zoras. I mean, I guess they don't normally LIVE in that place, but at least I would be close to them.

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