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Which Temple from Ocarina of Time Would You Want to Live In?


Feb 24, 2010
How come everybody keeps picking the forest temple? Its fine that you want to live there but why does everybody keep picking it?
Because they want to live there. You answered your own question.

I'd choose the Water Temple. That's assuming I had the ability to breathe underwater/jump really high, cause otherwise I would never be able to move about. The Spirit Temple was pretty cool but I hate sand. I actually think I have a phobia against it or something, it just gets.... everywhere. Brrrrrrr.


Zelda Dungeon's Critic
Jan 13, 2009
I don't want to say.
The forest temple for me. Not because I'm copying you guys, but because I like greenery. I love the serene beauty of a temple hidden in the vast forests and filled with no one but spirits. The moaning that echoes through the halls would fill my ears with fright and then peace, for I knew that this is a place of sanctuary, guarded by a sage. I would find a peaceful requisite there.


Ordon Village
May 27, 2010
Ordon Village
Interesting question. My first choice would be the Spirit Temple because of the awesome lighting and atmosphere (I would definitely install air conditioning though). Then my second choice I guess would be the Forest Temple because I love the outdoors and I love Nature (but I would have to buy bug spray, no doubt).


Braava Braava
Feb 18, 2010
Soul Sanctum
Shadow Temple before Link Rids it of BONGO BONGO. i'd learn how to control the creature of the temple HOW MUCH FUN WOULD IT BE RIDING ON A GIANT MONSTER OF SHADOW WOOOOOT.


Excelling in Mediocrity
Apr 16, 2010
In A Margarita
It depends if there are monsters or not :p , anywhere but the forst temple (too creepy) the shadow temple (same reason) and the spirit temple (too isolated). Probably the Lakebed Temple, I loves me some swimming.
Oct 26, 2008
I'd like to live in one of Forest Temple or Spirit temple because they are the most structured of the temples in terms of the building. The Water temple is quite good in terms of being structured but it would be a pain in the *** to have to use the ocarina to move around my house. :xd: The constant flooding would be a problem if I wanted to have a television too. D: The other temples don't really have any form of structure so I wouldn't want to live in them, it's just to rough and uncivilised.

The Spirit and Forest temple are also pretty big to, it would be cool to live in them. =D


Horizon Walker
Aug 3, 2009
I like the idea of living in the shadow temple or the forest temple.

I would enjoy living in the shadow temple because of how big it is, and because it seems to me, that after some fixing up (building bridges across those bottomless pits, among other things) it would be a nice place to live. Of course, so as to not anger the spirits dwelling there I guess I'd have to take the job of gravekeeper. :P

As for the Forest Temple, its structure reminds me of that of an ancient castle, and in reality I can't imagine what I'd like more than living in a secluded castle that sits in the middle of an enchanted forest. It being haunted is only a plus, because then, in my seclusion I could have the comfort of knowing I'm never really alone in the castle.
Feb 23, 2010
The Water Temple. It's underground, so it'd be insulated in winter and summer. It has enough water for drinking, bathing, and swimming. And it's fun to play through.


Mother Hyrule
May 17, 2009
on a crumbling throne
I haven't replied to this yet? Odd...

I'd want to live in the Fire Temple. It's soooo waaaarm. I love, love, love heat. There are a lot of interesting deity statues and areas that I could spend time studying, not to mention a lot of gating I could climb around on and stuff... and fire spurting out everywhere like free fireworks! The chanting always made it feel like a heavily religious area, too, so I'd feel a little more at ease than I would in a place like the Shadow Temple or something.

And... I dunno, there's just something a little romantic I feel with the Fire Temple. Maybe it's the Bolero of Fire that made me feel that way. *shrug* Plus, it's home to a Goron-eating, fire-breathing dragon. :>


Sage of Tales
I thought I'd replied to a thread like this one?

Er, as I've said to similiar "Where would you live in Hyrule?" threads... I think the Shadow Temple is my speed. It's like an Edgar Allan Poe story! I currently live across the street from a cemetary and I take walks in it often. I clean and paint/make art out of wild animal bones and skulls as a hobby. My username is even a derivative of the word "Shadow."

A big plus is that I'd probably never get robbed because most people are too scared to venture into a place guarded by zombies and living skeletons and which has blood all over the walls.


I'm an assassin.... sshhh
Mar 13, 2010
The shadows
i would live in the deku tree! :D no, that's scary. I'd live in jabu-jabu! no again just kidding, I'd live in the spirit temple, because it has a good view and chairs because have you seen any other temple with the ability to have furntiure and guests over. well, I'd have to somehow just obliterate the destert's curse...but I'd live next to a bunch of hot, lonely chicks. sweet.


Randomus Pervertus
May 13, 2010
i would live in the shadow temple or the dead deku tree, shadow temple because its so creepy and gothic..... and full of torture weapons :) the dead deku tree because i have always wanted to live inside a massive tree because i am weird :)

Random Person

Just Some Random Person
Feb 6, 2010
Live in? Oo. OoT's temples don't exactly have the best living standards. But if I had to choose one, I'd say the forest temple because it has a nice garden and there's a nice center room to chill in. If you go there after it has become monster free, it doesn't seem as bad as a place full of lava and cliffs, a place where everytime you want to go upstairs you have to play a song or a place hidden in the outskirts of the dry desert.

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