Spirit Temple. That place is really cool. The only problem would be if I had to leave to go to the Hyrule Castle Marker or Kakariko. Heck, anywhere else . I guess my second choice (if I didn't have the ability to warp) would be the Forest Temple.
Spirit Temple or Forest Temple. I think it's kind of neat, how secluded the Spirit Temple is. Makes it a trial to even find it, which makes it exclusive and... I dunno, mystical. Also, I really love some of the trials inside of it, and I think the whole atmosphere of the temple is cool. I like the Forest Temple because... I like the forest, haha. And also, I like how it's designed like a medieval stone castle. I love that kind of architecture!
i would go to the temple of time, that place reminds me of my house for some reason. Really like i have like alot of history in my house and its also white.
Probably the Spirit Temple;
- I live near the beach so I love the sand.
- I really develop my tan.
- The place is nearly completely isolated by a vast ocean of sand.
- It's a cushty place to live.
While I would love to live in the Spirit Temple, simply because I love that place, it's just too out of the way. I like to live near things, so I'll have to go with the Forest Temple - which is funny 'cause I hate playing that temple.