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General Classic Which Should I Download?


Legendary Captain
May 16, 2010
Misery Mire
Well it really depends on which style you prefer, the classic top-down perspective or the modern games. If you want a long and difficult game with more exploration you should get aLttP. But MM has alot of sidequests, character developement, etc. It's like comparing apples to oranges though, I think. They're each very different experiences. They're both two of my favorite games, and I highly suggest getting both if you get an opportunity, but if you can only get one I suggest aLttP.


IF you want both I would recommend getting MM for VC since it's a flawless emulation.
And for LOZ:ALTTP, I would suggest getting a Snes emulator and using a Rom, Because A you have save states VS having to quit and save, and with image filters you can make the game look crisper.

I wont link to the Rom, but however if you are interested I could show you in a pm.

Also, Have you beat OOT?, because if not, you need to before you play MM.


I did not say I would distribute anything, Also, I could hook you up to some time travel , 75 years after alttp was made.


Wild Card
Jun 14, 2010
That's good, because there are quite a few OoT references in MM(after all, it is its sequel;))
I actually started playing this game once before I fully finished OoT.:xd:
But looking at all the other posts here, I think you'll be playing Majora's Mask.


Legendary Captain
May 16, 2010
Misery Mire
Actually, now that I think on it, you would be better off just getting them both on emulators XD... But you didn't hear that from me >_>. Sometimes the textures in MM don't show up though, which is a pain if your looking for the grottos in the field and whatnot. You can probably remedy this by changing the graphic settings, but I haven't fooled around with it enough to know.

Also, I wouldn't worry about playing OoT before MM. It doesn't have much bearing on the plot. I played MM before OoT and understood everything just fine.


Jun 2, 2010
Windfall Island
I don't know if you've downloaded yet BUT I do think you should get MM. I can't exactly compare the two since I have never even played ALTTP but I can tell you that Majora's Mask is by far my favorite video game of all time. It's so unique and unlike any other Zelda game. It has a LOT of character development and interaction, uniqueness, complexity, emotion, the most sidequests, double the items of OoT (masks included), outstanding music, and the story has an epic feel since it's DOOMSDAY in just 3 days. Also, if you do all of the gazillion sidequests in that game, you end up with a very long game, unlike others have said. Plus it has Stone Tower Temple, which is noted by many (including myself) as the best Zelda temple of all time. :D
Jun 1, 2010
Distributing ROMs in a PM is still illegal and you can get caught, especialy for saying you would.
Not to mention piracy is for ripping off people who don't deserve the money in the first place. E.G. Microsoft, Lego games (cash-ins), etc.
But it's legal as long as you already own it or get rid of it before 48 hours.


Feb 25, 2010
You should get MM on the VC then get alttp on the game boy so you also four swords with it.(also by playing four sword you can unlock a new dungeon).

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