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Which is Better: Harry Potter or Twilight?

Which is better?

  • Harry Potter

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Twilight

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Resident Netizen
May 10, 2010
Random house on Earth.
Basically, of these two tremendously huge series, which was better? And I don't want to see "Zomg, Twilite was soo much bttr, becuz it had Edward Cullen <<<333 in it and hez sooo hott :)" I want a statement with points in both of them you have compared to each other and which series overall has come out on top. Now, I have had a run in with a Twi-hard who did this little number to it. "The titlz are wut makes Twilit bettr than Harry Pitty right now. Twilight. Light = Purity = Jesus. Harry Potter. Hairy (bad hygene frumt eh very get go) POTter (sublimnal messge to gro pot in the titl of the books)." Please spell correctly, for JK Rowling's sake! I'm sure she'd have a heart attack if she saw how terribly some Twi-hards can spell.

The above is NOT something to compare. Do NOT simply bash either series (even if you hate Twilight to the point where you want to use it for toilet paper, as all people should) (ho ho, c wut I did ther? I contrdicted meself!). The five points I do want to see in all of them are: a) how good were the plots of the series, b) how good was the romance, and was it a believable one, c) how polite are the fans (but I think this one is more of an automatic point to Harry Potter, because those Twihards can be so rude sometimes. Don't believe me? Look on Yahoo! Answers for the user Cullen 4ever. She is one of those annoying trolls Quirrell needs to stop letting out of his dungeons (I mad anuthr funnie!)), d) would you give it to your children to read at the age of 8, and e) how well are the characters described? And no, I do not want you to compare JUST Edward Cullen to the ENTIRE Harry Potter cast. Cullen has about twenty chapters per book of information.

In case you haven't been reading my post very well, I cast my vote for the Harry Potter series.
A) Plot of Harry Potter: Kept you guessing. Plot of Twilight: Wait. there was a plot?
:cool: Romance of Harry Potter far destroys the romance of Twilight. Romance of Harry Potter: "You're not around, so I'm going to do what I can to help you fight Voldemort" -Ginny Weasley. Romance of Twilight: "I watch you while you sleep. I find it fascinating." "Edward that's so romantic, I don't know what I would do without you!" a few books later "I'm gonna go jmp off a cliff!! Edward's not here! I miss having your perfect *REST OF CONTENT CENSORED DUE TO ANNOYANCE AND UTTER GAYNESS IN THE EYES OF THIS READER*
C) Fans of Harry Potter: "You don't like Harry Potter? Well, I suppose that's your choice, but I seriously think you need to reread the entire series." Fans of Twilight: "ZOMG! HOW CAN U HATES TWILIT? ITS, LIKE, THE BEST SEREES EVR!! YOU HAS NO SOUL!!!"
D) Harry Potter: Yes, I would. It is what transformed me from a naive child, barely knowledgeable about death, into the man I am today, for better or worse. Twilight: No freaking way. I don't want my children to be obsessed with vampires. Nor do I want them to think that it's romantic to have someone watch you while you're asleep, unless they're sick, and I'm their father.
E) Description of troll in Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone: "Twelve feet tall, its skin was a dull, granite grey, its great lumpy body like a boulder with its small bald head perched on top like a coconut." Description comparison in Twilight: Edward, perfection that has to be mentioned every couple of words. Bella, took four books for me to simply get a general idea of how she looked. And Kristen Stewart didn't help at all.

So, responses? And by the way, these are based on actual experiences. All of the Twilight fan things are word for word, letter for letter, annoyance for annoyance.
May 25, 2008
In my house
Wow, I'd love to post why Harry Potter is actually worth reading, and why I can't believe Twilight even exists or is a notable series at all, but I'm stunned by the fact that this is even a plausible question.

Like, I'm at a loss of words that one could even think Twilight compares to Harry Potter.



Fulcrum Agent
Feb 14, 2010
I really have to answer this question? Harry Potter is great. Twilight? Not so much. Also, for all of you Twilight peeps, the same guy who played Cedric Diggory played Edward Cullen, in even though it was one of his earlier film experiences, did a better job on the Goblet of Fire. That could have been because there had been better scripts, though, so not his fault.


Boy Wonder
Jun 22, 2011
Behind you
I will let the words of the immortal, admirable, and brilliant Stephen King speak for me.

"Harry Potter is about confronting fears, finding inner strength, and doing what is right in the face of adversity. Twilight is about how important it is to have a boyfriend."


The game is on!
Harry Potter of course!!! Harry Potter is one of the best (if not even the best) book/film series in the world! Hah! How can Twilight even be compared to the extraordinary glory of Harry Potter?! :?


I hate everyone equally.
Aug 26, 2011
I haven't really read any of the books of any of the series, but as of movies go, I haven't ever even seen the Twillight movies (I generally don't like vampire films), and I don't really care for the Harry Potter movies (I still have seen them all except for 7.5, which I'll most likely see soon enough).


Resident Netizen
May 10, 2010
Random house on Earth.
I thank you so much for this input guys, because I'm posting a screenshot of the 15-0 HP domination on every Twilight is Better than Harry Potter fanpage on facebook as proof that they suck. But they sure don't suck blood, that's for sure.


Keyblade Master
Is there even a choice? If you're talking about the movies, Harry Potter wins hands down. As for the books, Harry Potter still wins.

Edit: Also the whole Edward thing is pointless because he played Cedric Diggory in the movies. Watch Golbet of Fire if you don't belie me.
Oct 22, 2010
NO ONE likes Twilight. Twilight is an abomination to this world, a horrible mistake (like Beyblade :xd:) and no one reads them/watches those horrible movies. So what I'm saying is, Harry Potter rocks. No one likes Twilight.


Dec 27, 2010
My house, on a computer, browsing ZD.
Aww not even one person for Twilight? I like Twilight. Deal with itttttttt. While I like Harry Potter (I guess), I like Twilight better lawl

And it's not because of the pretty faces. I just find it more entertaining
Jul 22, 2011
Harry Potter by far. (But I haven't exactly read the Twilight series so my opinion is basically baseless...)

The Harry Potter series is probably the best thing I've ever read in my life. Each book is amazing.

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