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Which Dungeon Did You Not Enjoy and Generally Hate?


Sep 6, 2010
I Never came across a temple that i hated , but it just annoyed the hell out of me how in the Lakebed temple in Tp where you can't roll in the rotating staircase , I am those type of zelda players who are use to rolling , side hopping , black flipping , ect. And i thought that was just a annoying part of the game . But over all , i thought Twlight Princess was an excellent game , some how i spent over 100 hours on it (Yeah , i am confused too )

But I read everybody elses comments , and i believe the city in the sky wasn't their favorite dungeon , :shake: , I for one disagree . I like the layout of the dungeon was . The Music was allitle annoying , and the boss was a little on the bad side (It was crappy like hell) , but i like the dungeon , ALOT


Ash Gala Wonderful!
Mar 9, 2010
49.9°N 8.2°E
The first time in the Forsaken Fortress (WW)... Sooo time-consuming! Those moblins moved soo slowly, and sometimes they didn't see when you were pretty close, at other times they spotted you from miles away. And being seen effectively means instant-death, and it can get get boring after a while. Plus there's not even a dungeon item :/


I did not like Snowpeak ruins (Twilight princess) & Ice Carven dungeon (Ocarina of time), I hate walking on ice in the game...
Couldn't he have snow shoes? or find a pare of snow shows so when Link is walking on ice he could actually get better grip and it would make
the dungeon a bit easier for me...
May 3, 2013
New England
Well....I liked practically all the dungons in link's awakening (my fav) and minish cap,
but i really hated the temple of the ocean king in phantom hourglass. It was soooo
frustrating to go back to the same place over and over again and it just got harder
and harder! Wayyyy to time consuming.


Oct 4, 2010
One of my favorite dungeons as you can guess was The Palace of Twilight. I just loved the design of it. There was the Snowpeak Ruins in TP that I just really " hated" because I was always nervous that I get hit by many kinds of enemies there.

Nye Pendragon

Feb 16, 2010
I really liked the City in the Sky, it's my second favorite dungeon in TP. It's gorgeous and well-designed, I love the colors of the golds and ivories used without. It almost has a steampunk feel to it. Why does everybody hate the music? I thought it was neat...

The worst/most dissapointing temple in my experience is:
The Woodfall Temple in Majora's Mask.

Okay, my reasoning is not very good. X> But it's difficulty is just saddening. It's the first dungeon, of course it's going to be easy! Not THAT easy. I mean, come on.
It was too short, confusing because ALL THE ROOMS LOOK THE SAME and having to be a Deku all the time is just boring. AND IT'S SO SMALL! It almost made me claustrophobic in some places. I've never been in a temple so short on rooms and space. It got a little old. And that boss fight? Seriously? It was the easiest boss fight /ever/. I was expecting MM to be really difficult and it's not, really. I didn't even use a GUIDE. I always use a guide. That shows just how easy it was for me. It was just so boring!

Snowhead, please make up for it. (But I have to be Goron Link... which I don't like... :1)
May 6, 2012
Hyrule Castle
1) Ocean temple of PH UGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :(
2) lake bed temple (WHAT DIRECTION AM I SUPPOSED TO TURN THE THING!?!?!?!?) *sigh*
3) shadow temple.. me: ok so now I do this and.. what's that sound.... why is there a shadow over Li.... AHHHHH *screams like little girl*..... NOOOO I DON'T WANN GO THROUGH THAT WHOLE TEMPLE AGAIN!!! *throws controller at game...* ah sorry bout that :)
4) the first run through of the Sand temple in SS..... I dies like 4 times trying to get past the beamos.... :(


Jun 22, 2011
United States
I definitely never hated a dungeon in a Zelda game, but two that felt tedious to me were Inside Jabu Jabu from Ocarina of Time and the second trip to the Forsaken Fortress in Wind Waker. For Jabu Jabu the annoying things were the electrified enemies, carrying Ruto around, and having to fight multiple tentacles when one probably would have been enough. The second trip to the Forsaken Fortress wasn't my favorite because it felt to me like the game designers were just trying to pad the number of dungeons in the game by giving you an item and a boss with a heart piece for going through an area that isn't very challenging or dungeon-like.

Johnny Sooshi

Just a sleepy guy
Nov 1, 2011
a Taco Bell dumpster
The Temple of Time (TP). I loved it too but then I got to the boss and then I was like "Da eff? Why?"

The Tower of Hera (ALttP). To much falling and having to go back to the top.

The Lakebed Temple (TP). I loved it to but the twists and turns were quite confusing.
May 11, 2012
Honestly i loved all of the the dungeons, but my least loved would have to be the Forsaken Fortress(beginning) from WW just because of the fact i dont get to have a sword until the end


Wind Waker!
Apr 6, 2012
The later dungeons in the first game were pretty hard and frustrating which makes them unenjoyable, and I generally hated all of the dungeons in Zelda II. Not a big fan of the NES Zelda games.
Gee I can name a number of dungeons I just simply despise.
I hate the Tower of the Gods in the Wind Waker because of the beamos constantly shooting me when I was trying to carry the armos statues over and over and OVER AGAIN!!!
The Shadow Temple in Ocarina of Time because it was annoying to navigate around, and the floormasters kept catching me (YEAH, that was when I was in my amatuer state)
Twilight Princess-hate the snowhead temple because u have to constantly walk around in heavy snow that slows u down, and if u transform into wolf link, Wolfos have an easier time mauling you to DEATH! Also because u get frozen constantly by Freezards, and hit numerous time by the ice soldiers stabbing u with their spears or throwing them at u like you're nothing but a ragdoll...

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