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Which Book Are You Currently Reading?

Mar 20, 2023
Gender-fluid (she/he pronouns)
A beautiful story about family, redemption, forgiveness, and spiritual transformation...

A must read fanfiction (worth reading and re-reading):


The perfect ambience for reading this fanfiction:




Concerning the BOOKS/NOVELS I'm currently reading...

Merry Bookmas to y'all.

What are you reading during the holidays this year?

I'm currently reading a DragonLance trilogy (the DragonLance stories take place in the world of Krynn, in the Dungeons and Dragons universe, yes DnD as in the extremely popular role-playing game, there are novel series too like "Dragonlance", "Forgotten Realms" and "The Death Gate cycle"), I'm reading the War of Souls trilogy (by Margaret Weis and Tracy Hickman; volume 1 is entitled "Dragons of a fallen sun", volume 2 is entitled "Dragons of a lost star" and volume 3 is entitled "Dragons of a vanished moon") and I'm half way through the third and final book in the trilogy.

I borrow those DragonLance novels from public libraries. In January 2025, I'm going to read the next DragonLance trilogy in the chronology, a trilogy entitled "The dark disciple" (by Margaret Weis; volume 1 is entitled "Amber and ashes", volume 2 is entitled "Amber and iron" and volume 3 is entitled "Amber and blood").

In the meantime, for the month of December 2024, I'm going to read two other DragonLance novels; "The legend of Huma" and "Kaz the minotaur" by Richard A. Knaak which I borrowed from a public library, and two old/original Expanded Universe Star Wars books entitled "MedStar I: Battle surgeons" and "MedStar II: Jedi healer", a duology written by Michael Reaves and Steve Perry that I have on my personal bookshelf.

The DragonLance novels I'm reading:

Star Wars: MedStar duology:

Btw, I just found out that James Earl Jones, one of the Star Wars movie actors passed away about 3-4 months ago, my condolences to the Star Wars community.

These days I mostly read Dragonlance (Dungeons and Dragons) novels and old/original Expanded Universe Star Wars novels.

For more informations, check this out:

Merry Bookmas to y'all.

What will you be reading this month?

I wish you only the best,

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Link but Swedish

ZD Champion
Nov 28, 2024
Just finished Rez Ball by Bryon Graves. Really powerful story about this teen from a rural Minnesota reservation. This reserve is really basketball passionate. This guy, Tre, his brother Jaxon was the best player on the rez but died in a car accident. Tre feels like he has to carry this on. He tries out for varsity but as a sophomore, only gets JV. However, he gets a lucky break when their point guard gets busted for drinking and misses 2 games. He shines and ends up staying on varsity. This new girl comes (sidenote: this girl likes shooters, LoZ and Metroid). he thinks he has something threr but they remain just friends but he doesn't hide it well and she catches on that he want FWB type ****. shes like "**** no homie, we can stay friends but I dont want to date because Im a senior and moving to Cali after school ends" anyway he keeps winming and parties but doesn't notice that his best friend and his crush are getting closer. Eventually he realizes that his ***** got stolen and at these parties, he had 7 beers, so he lashed out and fought his homie. Little did he know the guy who stole his chick lined up a feature in ****ing Slam magazine and he gets in. They get to state after his Steph Curry type **** clutch play to go state where he loses last second. Its tough but adds depth to the story. Really moving and deep. 10/10, totally recommend! ****loads of swearing though but just like any normal conversation with teens so not really that bad. Like me-level swearing.
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Staff member
I just finished reading The Barefoot Investor by Scott Pape.

This is one of the best selling books of all time in Australia and is on the topic of personal finance for the everyday person. I have recently been into consuming personal finance related content recently but much of the online content around heavily leans toward the American side of things so I found this quite helpful and insightful as it has information on Australia-specific things like HECS loans and Superannuation. Even as someone who is generally pretty good with money and has no debt aside from my student loans it contained a lot of useful information for me to think about and consider.


I'm like if Pochacco had to work retail
Feb 2, 2025
i started the bell jar by sylvia path but i need to get off my butt and actually keep reading it. i have no doubt its good, but i'll be honest her racism really does throw me off
Mar 20, 2023
Gender-fluid (she/he pronouns)
I'm reading this trilogy (here's pictures of the book covers):




Here's the synopsis:




And here's some excellent review for this trilogy (in three parts):

It's a DragonLance trilogy, the story takes place in the world of Krynn, in the "Dungeons and Dragons" (D&D) universe. I'Ve been reading Dragonlance novels ever since I was thirteen and now I'm in my early forties and I'm still a huge fan, this is one of my favorite book series of all times (it's far better than Tolkien's LOTR, I remember that my "passion" for Tolkien's LOTR last a measly two years, whereas my passion for Margaret Weis and Tracy Hickman's Dragonlance series has been lasting for nearly thirty years and then some, and it's no wonder that Margaret Weis and Tracy Hickman, writers of several EXCELLENT D&D novel series like "DragonLance" and "The Death Gate Cycle" and writers of D&D roleplaying stuff get insane respect from some many people who love their amazing written works). The Dark Disciple trilogy by Margaret Weis is the final story taking place in the DragonLance main series. There are complementary novels, but this trilogy is the final story taking place in the main series and after like thirty years of being a huge fan of this series, I want to know how the story ends. I'm about halfway through the first book in the trilogy and I'm hooked, it's a great read.
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