I've been into personal finance and independence in the past year or so, and it's really changed our lives for the better. I've picked up finance and non-fiction books lately, and here's a laundry list of what I've read so far:
Rich Dad Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki - 4/10, did not enjoy it as much as I wanted. Author had a conceited attitude through the book and didn't offer much realistic goals for my taste.
Millionaire Next Door by Thomas Stanley - 8/10, really enjoyed it. Put it in perspective that millionaires and the wealthy do not live like the general public thinks they do.
Total Money Makeover (audio book) by Dave Ramsey - 9/10, first one I listened to and honestly changed my perception about money. Huge fan of his YT channel.
Complete Guide to Money by Dave Ramsey - 7/10, same principals as the book above just further explained in detail.
Love Your Life Not Theirs by Rachel Cruze - Not finished yet, currently reading through it, makes a ton of sense.