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What's Your Favorite Zelda Game?

What's Your Favorite Zelda Game?

  • The Legend of Zelda

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Adventure of Link

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • A Link to the Past

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Link's Awakening

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Ocarina of Time

    Votes: 2 33.3%
  • Majora's Mask

    Votes: 2 33.3%
  • Oracle of Ages

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Oracle of Seasons

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • The Wind Waker

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Four Swords

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Four Swords Adventures

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • The Minish Cap

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Twilight Princess

    Votes: 2 33.3%
  • Phantom Hourglass

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Spirit Tracks

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Skyward Sword

    Votes: 1 16.7%

  • Total voters


my fav LOZ games are in order twilight princess ( i realy liked midna), majoras mask , and the origanal legend of zelda i always enjoyed how i kept getting stuck at the first boss AQUAMENTUS because i didn't fully understand what to do. anyway these are my favorates.


I would say.. Ocarina of Time. It was the first game I ever played and the one that took me the longest to finish. It really terrified me when I was young and some things (i.e. Skulltulas) still do; but I suppose that's all part of the experience of it :)
Jan 7, 2012
Thats a pretty tough question, alot of the games are pretty close to the heart. Links Awakening was the first zelda game i owned (got it with my brand new purple gameboy color!), went on too play link to the past on my super nintendo.... played it WAY too much along with mario rpg. One day in Target i started too play there copy of ocarina of time... hit me like a ton of bricks that this game was friggin amazing and went too the used gamestore and bought a n64 and OOT, still have the first save game on the top slot as well =P. I got Majoras mask for my birthday from a friend, only to realize i needed that darn expansion -.- went to the store and had to pay like $50 for the darn thing! was worth it though cuz that game was like a gift from heaven. When wind waker came out i was a bit skeptical about the cell shading... but it was zelda nonetheless so i worked around the house to get the money needed for a gamecube and WW, i remember being outside in the winter having to pick up frozen dog poo.....a lot of frozen dog poo. Turned out the cell shading in WW was frigin epic IMO. Followed info on Tp for along time, raged when they pushed it back another year but was a bit happy as-well. Me and my friend went to walmart and waited in line for the release of the wii, sat out there in November i think it was....it was COLD. After the long wait i got my number 11 ticket and grabbed my brand new wii with TP and redsteel ( redsteel..... terrible game) headed over too hooters for some wings and...company. And of course SS, got my gold wiimote.... coolest thing ever, wish i had a golden nun-chuck though.

Ah but i digress, of all the games i would have too say Majoras mask is my favorite. You realy connect with just about all the characters, has the awesome 3 day system which i LOVED, collecting all the masks was soo much fun, had the skutula houses and a great intent travel system, even though there were very few dungeons it really brought everything together for a perfect game.

Princess Link

Majora's Mask is easily my favorite, the general tone and story of it is just awesome. Nothing in Zelda's history has come close to it since.
Jan 6, 2012
There is one thing I LOVE about this thread, EVERY GAME has votes, I am happy to see that

Oh and I gave SIX votes, they are in my signature


将軍 ジタン
Jan 10, 2012
Stock Pot Inn in the Knife Chamber
Favorite Zelda

Personally my favorite has to be Majora's Mask because in my opinion, it made everything that was great in OOT even better. It expanded in every direction. For the temples it lacked it gained in depth and exploration.


I will have to go for Majora's Mask. It really complemented Ocarina of Time very well, much like the Oracle of Ages and Seasons do. It also had perhaps One of the Darkest story's in any Zelda game. The 3 day system really made you feel the pressure of the impending doom from the Moon. Also the Dungeons where more intricate than those of Ocarina's. I also like the Option of Going back and re-fighting boss, Just to see if I can do it any faster, or without getting hit.
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My favorite is Twilight Princess. I mean, it's a whole new jump from Ocarina of Time. Better themes, bosses, puzzles, treasure hunting. You can go crazy on the rupees in that game. I'm playing it right now and thinking, "Woah, best Zelda game ever!". I think my favorite Zelda title might turn to Skyward Sword, once I get it and play it. Twilight Princess's graphics are one huge step from previous Zelda titles. The main thing I like about Twilight Princess is it's numerous sidequests and dungeons. Other small favorites of mine are Majora's Mask, Wind Waker, and Phantom Hourglass.:)


pokemon master of hyrule
Dec 22, 2011
westville, new jersey
id have to say mm becuase its scared the crap outta me and my brother as kids, i remember when i was seven and he was five he used to sleep in my bed because of majora scared him


Ut good

The Minish Cap is my top fave for hand held counsel i love them all but same gose for handel sep the CD-i game those aren't zelda there lies.....

how is Adventure of Link last??
It's good but difftren from the othre zeldas really
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