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What Zelda game made you a fan for good?


"Dandori Issue"
Apr 2, 2011
Lake Hylia
Ocarina of Time's launch. I had dabbled a bit in A Link to the Past as a kid, but the graphical style had not hooked me & frankly I was really bad at the game since I was still very new to video games & didn't own my own console yet. I had only borrowed that. I wasn't even a fan of that game until much later when I tried it again as an adult, due to some boss difficulties. But, man, seeing Link in 3D with the first teasers for OoT had me HOOKED with the style & it was one of the first games that really had me screaming to get an N64 as my first real home console that I owned. Not only the graphics being mind blowing to me, but the darker aesthetic that both scared the heck out of me as a child, but then dug hooks in me DEEP for monster designs. It literally gave me nightmares, but I got obsessed. I feel deeply in love with the official art in the booklet & posers I had gotten, & ever since I was a big fan.

Mikey the Moblin

if I had a nickel for every time I ran out of spac
ZD Champion
Aug 31, 2014
southworst united states
I liked Zelda because of Zelda and Zelda 2, but what really made me a true fan was getting wind waker for Christmas. It "sealed the deal"

The only question is if it was for good, or just for as long as my goodwill lasts

Daku Rinku

Paya’s Pal
ZD Champion
Forum Volunteer
Jun 1, 2023
Yiga Hideout
I liked Zelda because of Zelda and Zelda 2, but what really made me a true fan was getting wind waker for Christmas. It "sealed the deal"

The only question is if it was for good, or just for as long as my goodwill lasts

Windwaker was great fun. I loved the art style that was such a departure from before and what has come after.
May 21, 2023
Well, had started the series with Ocarina of Time and played that and many others with my brother. Kinda skipped out on Majora’s Mask then, renting it and figuring it was too hard. Both got the Oracle games and didn’t get too far without each others help.

Wind Waker was the first I really played by myself and actually finished. Far more frustrating parts back then that are far easier now a couple decades later, but man the new hands give me as much anxiety as the Floormasters here did lol. So it wasn’t immediate but eventually WW has become my favorite game overall. Even so I feel I’d have stuck with the series by then regardless.

Daku Rinku

Paya’s Pal
ZD Champion
Forum Volunteer
Jun 1, 2023
Yiga Hideout
Well, had started the series with Ocarina of Time and played that and many others with my brother. Kinda skipped out on Majora’s Mask then, renting it and figuring it was too hard. Both got the Oracle games and didn’t get too far without each others help.

Wind Waker was the first I really played by myself and actually finished. Far more frustrating parts back then that are far easier now a couple decades later, but man the new hands give me as much anxiety as the Floormasters here did lol. So it wasn’t immediate but eventually WW has become my favorite game overall. Even so I feel I’d have stuck with the series by then regardless.

Sadly I did the same on Majora’s Mask. I rented it, and it was so difficult. In hindsight I now wish I had summoned Farore’s Courage to try harder.
Last edited:
May 21, 2023
Yeah I get that feel. But then again I don’t think I’d have the same appreciation for it as I do now. Eventually I got it on the collectors disc that released on GameCube when I was a little older and more competent.

A Link In Time

To Overcome Harder Challenges
ZD Legend
I played Ocarina of Time as a little kid and got embarrassingly stuck Inside the Deku Tree. I didn't know you had to cut the spider web to get down to the basement. My Zelda adventure was thus put on the backburner for a few years until Twilight Princess, which reignited my love for the franchise. Then, I got really invested in checking out older games I hadn't yet played. I picked up the GBA version of ALttP and the Gamecube collector's disc.

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