Remake wise I think A Link To The Past would be the perfect game to see on the 3DS. Majora's Mask is an amazing game already, and so I don't feel a remake is necessary just for the sake of making better graphics and the 3D effect.
Ocarina of Time was the right choice for a remake for sure, but I felt there was little altered about the game. Many of the oddities of the game (eg. jumping off the chains of the drawbridge entrance of the Market and going straight through the ground) were left in the game, and there was not much added to it, such as make the Market and Kakariko more lively places with more characters. Now I know, this game is probably the greatest game of all time, so you don't want to mess with its charm, but it's a remake, for a handheld system! I really would've liked to have seen more sidequests in the remake. The reason I feel OoT was a great game to remake was for the purposes of adding more depth. MM does not need a remake because it already has enough depth; the only thing you could really do to make this game better is to actually alter the world itself and possibly add more dungeons.
Bottom line though, Alttp would be amazing with improved graphics I think. The world of the game is too epic to not be remade.