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What We Want from Zelda at E3

Feb 5, 2011
E3 is two weeks away from now, and I figure now is high time to once again bring up what we want to see from both the 3DS and Wii U Zelda games and any other Zelda related news.

What do you think 3DS Zelda will be like?

Do you believe Wii U Zelda will at least get a mention?

Do you think the Oracle games will FINALLY get some word on coming to Virtual Console?

Anything else?
May 2, 2012
I know this is a long shot but I want a totally new experience for both systems, something that will take full advantage of the hardware but at least show it isn't in it for the gimmick. Other than that I'm just excited for HD Zelda.
Nov 29, 2011
New Jersey
As much as i would love to see the oracles come to a console i dont think it will be soon unless they make the new zelda an oracle.


I submitted a section on Ztalk about this, but I think it may be a bit too late for E3 now...basically, I want to see a toon link style game for 3DS, and a realistic WiiU title
Apr 4, 2012
I submitted a section on Ztalk about this, but I think it may be a bit too late for E3 now...basically, I want to see a toon link style game for 3DS, and a realistic WiiU title

I'm wary of a WiiU title that is too realistic. High Definition doesn't force our hand toward realism, it can be beautiful and creative too. I think that's what I'd rather see. Nintendo has done so well over the past 25 years being creative, that it'd be a shame for them to fall in line now.

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