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What was your most recent purchase?

Nov 1, 2018
Perhaps it will seem strange to many, but still try to speak out. My last purchase was a latex suit. Yes, yes, yes, I know this is really strange. But I wanted to try this and now I'm happy with it. It was my first buying at Latex shop if someone intereted in
Last edited:
Jan 1, 2019
It's not strange @mariopepper , there are multiple shops selling it so there is a certain demand for it, or else it would not be offered.

Does food count? In that case, my most recent purchase is Kibbeling (battered chunks of white fish). If not, I would need to think really hard... Maybe I just buy too much food (:
Nov 1, 2018
It's not strange @mariopepper , there are multiple shops selling it so there is a certain demand for it, or else it would not be offered.

Does food count? In that case, my most recent purchase is Kibbeling (battered chunks of white fish). If not, I would need to think really hard... Maybe I just buy too much food (:
Yeah , i know but i am not sure that everybody thinks the same
P.S. Did you like Kibbeling? I have never tasted it


There you are! You monsters!
Feb 8, 2011
In the spirit of expanding my movie library, these are my most recent purchases (all Blu-Rays):

The Book of Eli
3:10 to Yuma
Pacific Rim
Gone Girl (though stupid Amazon sent me an Italian version)
Blade Runner + BR 2049
Ghost in the Shell (2017)
The Last Samurai
300 + Rise of an Empire + Troy
Avatar Extended Edition
I Am Legend

Over the course of a few weeks.


The Resting Sun
Sep 9, 2019
I bought NHL Centre Ice so that I can actually watch all the games of my favorite NHL team.

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