I'm not sure about the Rito being evolved Zora. I know Medli talked about a time before the Rito evolved wings, which is when the Grappling Hook was used, but I figure it's possible she was not referring to evolution as we know it but to Rito like Komali who don't have wings yet, or to a time before their symbiosis with the dragons began. And even if she does mean evolution, it's not stated that it was the Zora; it's only implied in that Medli took over the Sage job from a Zora (while Makar took over from a Kokiri, and the Deku Tree all but explicitly says that
they evolved: they "once took on human form").
Besides, why would
fish have to evolve into birds in order to escape the flood? Wouldn't fish
thrive? It's not like the salt/fresh thing bothers them much if
Majora's Mask is any indication. (Besides, it's usually the monstrous ones who are called "River Zora.")
But even though the Rito appearing in Skyward Sword would settle the matter (unless Nintendo is being tricksy about the timeline placement

), I don't really care that much about their relation to the Zora. I just want to see the Rito again. They had a refined but not arrogant demeanor, and
several Rito characters made themselves quite useful. (I also wouldn't mind seeing a benevolent dragon again, for that matter.)
Gorons, on the other hand, not so much. I'm sick of 'em. In the DS games, they were just sorta there. I mean, it's not like they didn't serve a purpose plotwise, but they didn't really stand out. "Oh, look at us, we are the hearty proud mountain people who like rocks and lava and mining and are in no way ripoffs of Dwarves." I'm not saying I never want to see Gorons again, but let's keep them in reserve for a game or two.
The anouki? No thanks. I kinda liked the idea of including some Layton-esque logic puzzles, but the execution was rather unfun and the Anouki themselves were quite irritating. They were jerks, and the way they talked ("Guy? Hey, Guy!") was grating.
I'd be happy if we never saw the Oocca again. As a race, they could have been replaced with Cuccoos and served the same purpose. Maybe you'd need a human or other character to explain why there was a floating city with a bunch of chickens in it, but still. And there was that out-of-left-field "technology" angle, not to mention the "We-created-humans" bit. Even for
Zelda that's a continuity snag.
I never played the Minish Cap, but I wouldn't mind seeing Picori. And the Zuna could make a reappearance. Mostly I want to see the races that have only been in one game and are begging for some backstory. (Except the ones that annoy me, of course.

It sometimes seems to me that the Zelda series has developed an almost Sega-like tendency to introduce and subsequently forget about story elements and bits of world-building such as races. I hope they look at their existing stable to see if anything fits the plot before making up something new. But if a new race fits better, I'm all for it.