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What made you sad today?


Oct 19, 2021
The Silent Realm
Ouch dude, that hurts. We have a problem with our neighbors taking our package, so I know how it feels to have stuff not arrive. My dad ordered my mom a $200 Lego set and someone took it. I've lost Christmas presents, comic books, etc and since it was technically delivered we can't get our money back. The Amazon delivery ppl are just garbage, we bought a huge box with a lock that says "PUT OUR PACKAGES HERE IN THE FRIGGING BOX WHERE ITS NICE AND SAFE" and they leave it on our doorstep where anyone can run off with it :mad:
I requested the order to be dropped off at my Grandmothers SPECIFICALLY to prevent package theft. She lifts in the countryside and I live in a city in an apartment complex with a lot of neighbors. So obviously I want pricy packages to go to her place. BUT STILL USPS SCREWED IT UP !!!!!


Just assume I'm lurking (and judging)
Staff member
Comm. Coordinator
Feb 15, 2021
Just realized I only beat 2 zelda games this year. For comparison, when I first started playing in 2019 I beat 5, and last year I beat 4. It seems I'm starting to run low :(


Just assume I'm lurking (and judging)
Staff member
Comm. Coordinator
Feb 15, 2021
I thought about posting this in "Things that are on your mind" since I posted here just recently, but I don't think that'd cut it.
In the teen Sunday school room at my church, we have these strings hanging up on one wall with pictures of all the teens from a ton of teen activities going back several years. They got taken down over the summer for vbs, and this morning I decided to hang them back up. It was so bittersweet, because there were a lot of good memories. We had about 10 teens, and 2 youth leaders. We would hang out several times a month, do all sorts of stuff.. Most of them have gone off to college and other churches recently, though. So basically I was stuck for a half hour staring at this wall of memories, waiting for Sunday school (which is now just me and one other person, and my mom teaches bc we have no teen leader), trying not to cry bc I hate being alone. Also a bitter reminder that this is my last year in high school, and it's gonna be so hard to maintain friendships after that. This sucks.


The one and only.
Sep 29, 2020
The Lone Star State
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Thug Lyfe
ZD Champion
Apr 16, 2021

It's going away? In just 2 years? Could there only be 2 more seasons of Chevrolet in NASCAR? Damn my fear of the future is really being justified right now.
would it be possible for chevy to create an electric fueled car for nascar in the future? id assume thered be a power imbalance against fossil fueled cars now, but if one day all the cars switched to electric then maybe they could have a chance at competing again... still, thats a damn shame that its ending so soon.


The one and only.
Sep 29, 2020
The Lone Star State
Manufacturer recommended settings
would it be possible for chevy to create an electric fueled car for nascar in the future? id assume thered be a power imbalance against fossil fueled cars now, but if one day all the cars switched to electric then maybe they could have a chance at competing again... still, thats a damn shame that its ending so soon.
NASCAR has talked about wanting to electrify or go hybrid by 2024, so that'll probably line up, I don't know, it's not just the NASCAR implications, it's also the impending death of the Camaro that I hadn't heard of, so that article was a double whammy.

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