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What Made You Happy Today?

Jun 7, 2016
Finally got my antidepressants, and I managed to sleep for more than 5 hours for the first time in about 4 days! :party:
Oh, and I got paid. The last month was rough because I spent it all on VR on the first day. Perhaps I should plan further ahead next time...

Oh! And one of my kittens was kinda mean towards me before, but he's started to act as affectionate as the other one does! He just doesn't like being stroked in front of any other cats for some reason, he's a weirdo.
(and btw, it turns out they're both male, but the fluffy one has a less boisterous temperament)
Jun 7, 2016
bought a bunch of pride stuff on amazon

my mom could potentially be pissed, but idc lmao

edit: she'd probably be more annoyed if i got another weapon tbh, so i'm hoping she won't be
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Rescued a tiny house centipede when my dad was spraying the patio walls with raid. It's for the ants, but I saw him running along the wall and the movement just said 'centipede' to me and getting closer confirmed it. I offered him my hand and he climbed on and I moved him to the other side of the patio. Hopefully he didn't get hit by it, he didn't seem sluggish at least. It felt really good to relocate him, though. He's just so young and I hope he has a chance at life. He was like a centimeter in length, with legs. Very tiny child.

That centipede is just a tiny sliver of optimism in an otherwise stupid situation where my dad is being a monster. Gotta put up with it though, because it's father's day.


You Are The Light
Feb 7, 2018
Hyrule Kingdom
this sunday, I’m FINALLY getting a LoZ tattoo. I’ve wanted one for as long as I can remember, so my level of excitement is off the charts. the artist I’m working with recently completed an awesome MM piece on a client and he’s a super talented dude! then my Switch will be delivered a day or two after that. lots of good stuff to be happy about.

edit: jk, both of those things are happening thursday now which is even better. thursday is about to be an epic dayyy
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